Tag Archive for Mario Oreggia

Mario Oreggia Achieves $590,000 Per Month With Lyoness – Lyconet

Lyconet is the network marketing arm of Lyoness and recently their number 1 Top producer Mario Oreggia achieved est. $590,000 per month.
Mario who was born in Italy spent his years, before he got started in network marketing, in the restaurant business waiting tables, working along side his mother, father, and 2 brothers.
At the age of 24, Mario started searching for a better opportunity. Initially, his parents weren’t that supportive as they wanted him to stay with the family business, but eventually became supportive of his decision, although they didn’t understand the profession.
Ever since Mario was a little boy he was entrepreneur minded and wanted to be in business for himself. Once Mario found his opportunity he worked hard at building, and in his first year, he made 150 Euros, and he has been on the rise ever since.
Mario has developed over 5,000 leaders and has grown his network to 1.5 million members, and he has achieved this in just 7 years. His advice,
“See this business like a real business, have a lot of self-motivation, give everything that you have, and never give up.”
About Lyoness
The Lyoness Group is dividing its three business areas into two brands: The Lyoness brand encompasses the shopping