Tag Archive for Maria Gavinskaya

Diamond Associates Find Success With Talk Fusion

For many successful Associates, Talk Fusion is a fantastic opportunity to earn financial freedom. For new Diamond Associates Denis Poltorak and Maria Gavinskaya, the freedom goes even beyond that. For them, Talk Fusion offers the personal freedom and time flexibility to actually enjoy their dream lifestyle.
Just one and a half years ago, they worked in a Vladivostok office selling remote property for a large builder. While their income was good – they were pulling in $ 3,000 a month – there was a huge downside.
“We were not in control of our own time. We were employed, yes, but attached to the office,” said Maria. They were bogged down writing reports – and worse: “We hadn’t been on a vacation in over a year.”
Frustrated by the limited possibilities of their desk-bound jobs, Denis and Maria were introduced to Talk Fusion just in time. “Our friends and entrepreneurs Alexander and Tatiana Bolyasovy told us about the Talk Fusion opportunity,” said Denis. “They changed our lives. We will always thank them for what they have given to us.”
Within three months after joining Talk Fusion, they were able to leave their real estate jobs and pursue Talk Fusion success full time, which included taking