Tag Archive for Limitless Worldwide

LimitLess Worldwide To Celebrate It’s 3 Year Anniversary

Since it’s launch in 2013 Limitless Worldwide™ has tried to push the boundaries of network marketing and has attained some remarkable goals, but they aren’t stopping there.
In 2015 Limitless tested a new bonus structure model, The Limitless Ladder. Tired of hearing stories about distribution models that only reward top achievers, Limitless Worldwide has created a model that benefits both experienced veterans and those new to networking marketing.
The Limitless Ladder structure is designed to reward independent distributors who create organizational sales growth by climbing rungs on the ladder. The rungs of The Limitless Ladder are not enormous, unrealistic numbers to be met but are available to those ready to jumpstart their new business or build on existing success. Rather than a bonus format that only serves the top 1% of the company,


Limitless Worldwide Expands Into Asia

Limitless Worldwide™ has been making a name for itself in the network marketing industry. Although it’s a relative newcomer, its line of science-backed products, partnerships with athletes and celebrities, patent-pending TriBrid Overlay Compensation Plan™ and NSF Certified for Sport® formulations have all helped set it apart. And now the company is expanding internationally with upcoming plans to begin making its products available in Asia.
The international expansion is building on all of the success Limitless Worldwide has experienced over the last year.  Thousands of distributors and customers have recognized everything Limitless has to offer and have joined its ranks.
The company has introduced a number of exciting, highly researched products. And Limitless has even had the opportunity to partner with celebrities and athletes to help spread the message about its breakthrough, science-based product line and business opportunity!
The move into Asia will, however, lead to some changes for the Limitless product line. “We’ve conducted a huge amount of research to make sure we represent our company accurately to the Asian market,” says Melyn Campbell, who — along with her husband, Steve — cofounded Limitless Worldwide.
“We want to make sure our branding and messaging help Asian consumers and business owners understand just what it is