Tag Archive for Law Enforcement

Herbalife Contacted By Law Enforcement Agencies

Federal law enforcement agencies recently contacted several Herbalife members for information about their own business practices, CNBC has learned.
According to sources familiar with the matter, the inquiries came last week and focused on the activities of 10 or so mostly top Herbalife members.
It’s unclear exactly what law enforcement asked for, or the identities of the specific members in question.
Sources say the company has offered the members assistance in obtaining legal counsel though it’s unclear how many have sought representation.
Separately, Herbalife has also received inquiries recently about irregular trading in its stock as part of a broader investigation into possible market manipulation.
When asked for a comment on Sunday evening Herbalife spokesman Alan Hoffman provided CNBC the following statement:

“Bill Ackman has been engaged in a nearly three-year effort to drive down Herbalife’s stock in


The Healthy Home Company Works Toward Saving Lives Of Law Enforcement

The Healthy Home Company has a mission to make the home a safer place to raise families. In-Vest USA is dedicated to supporting our communities by helping protect those who protect us – our first responders. Today, these two organizations have joined forces to save the lives of law enforcement officers by providing them with body armor through In-Vest’s USA’s Bless the Vest campaign to avoid future incidents like the tragic shootings that happened this past week in New York.
In-Vest USA’s Bless the Vest campaign provides law enforcement officers with protective body armor vests to wear while on duty protecting our families, communities and homeland. While many believe that officers are provided a vest as part of their equipment, this is far from the truth.

An officer not wearing a body armor vest is 14 times more likely to be killed by a firearm than an officer wearing a vest.
40% of officers (almost 400,000) do not have a protective vest.
Of those who do have a protective vest to wear on duty, nearly 20% of those vests do not fit properly. A properly fitting vest can mean the difference between life and death.
Body armor vests must be replaced every 5 years and cost around