Tag Archive for Latin American

Julio Lama Becomes TLC’s First Male Latin American Ambassador

What do you call the architect of an organization of tens of thousands which has generated more than three million USD over the past three years? Dominicano Julio Lama has been referred to by many names over the course of his life, including businessman, engineer, coach, leader and father. But in the Total Life Changes dictionary, there’s only one word that adequately describes his contributions: Ambassador.
This past month Lama became TLC’s first male Latin American Ambassador, the second highest rank an Independent Business Owner can reach under the company’s compensation model. The accomplishment reflects the vast organization Lama has stewarded, with over one hundred affiliates earning between $10,000 and $250,000 per year in a geographical region in which poverty is widespread. Thanks in part to his work, Latin America has rapidly become a cornerstone of TLC’s global operations.
Prior to joining TLC, Lama had already lived an interesting life by any standard, holding numerous postgraduate degrees in a variety of disciplines while serving as father to three beautiful girls he calls his “princesses.” His intellectual curiosity and ambition stood to his credit when he began working with TLC as a sideline in June of 2015, considering network marketing a supplement to