Tag Archive for Jennifer Mruk

Jennifer Mruk Wins Big With Arieyl by Her People Over Profits Approach

Growing up west of Philadelphia Jennifer even from a young age was a quick learner picking up traits she would use for years and developing relationship-building skills along the way.
Out of high school, she enlisted in the military studying human and military intelligence where she would go on to serve for six years; she sought to learn more about human behavior so she may achieve her goal of better helping those who need it most.
Being raised by a mother whose coping mechanism was both substance and alcohol abuse as a way of escaping her reality; Jennifer knew her goal was to help those around her heal in a much more holistic manner. Jennifer is a people person through and through. Someone she holds dear to herself is her husband.
Chris and Jennifer had met through a mutual friend back when the pair were in their early twenties. Though they ran with the same circles of people as teenagers, they had not yet known their soulmates would be at the same house parties.
Even in the backgrounds of one anothers’ pictures from back when. When asked what drew her to Chris, her response was immediate “Those sky-blue eyes of