Tag Archive for Jan Pinnington

Love Him or Hate Him … 5 Things Every Entrepreneur Can Learn from Donald Trump

By Jan Pinnington Love him or hate him, Donald Trump, our nation’s wacky outspoken real estate investor, TV personality, business author, and now presidential candidate (with really bad hair), has some words of wisdom that every entrepreneur can learn from. Expectantly, when someone is a billionaire, (that’s billion with a “b” and 9 zeros behind […]


36 Free & Effective Marketing Tools That Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know About

By Jan Pinnington According to the American Marketing Association‘s Board of Directors, “Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large”. The essence of great marketing is this … intimately knowing your target market, understanding their needs, and offering […]