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Women Form 58.3% Of Indian Direct Selling Industry

While door-to-door selling is a common phenomenon is many localities, the numbers have increased indicating a rise in its potential, especially for women in India. Direct Selling provides accessible business opportunities to people looking for alternative sources of income, and whose entry is generally not restricted by gender, age, education, or previous experience. 
According to the Annual Survey Report of the Indian Direct Selling industry, women contribute almost 58.3 per cent in 2013-14.

“Women form a significant chunk of direct sellers, and from a current 2,551,189 women, their numbers is expected to grow at eight per cent making a whopping 55,07,820 self-employed women by 2025,” informs Chavi Hemanth, secretary general, Indian Direct Selling Association (IDSA).

The IDSA which is an autonomous, self-regulatory body recognises the marketing approach as micro-entrepreneurship that can inspire many small