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ibüümerang Ambassadors Achieve a Significant Milestone: 12-Month Star Achiever

Significant Milestone
ibüümerang CEO Mr. Holton Buggs launched the Star Achiever program in February 2021.
To qualify, each Ambassador must do a minimum of 300 PQV consecutively for 12 months.
12-month Star Achiever is a pinnacle in an Ambassador’s journey to success.
It is a significant milestone, and ibüümerang presents an elegant custom timepiece to each Ambassador achieving this goal.
Recognition at Events
All Ambassadors who receive this award are recognized, and they receive their timepiece on stage at one of ibüümerang spectacular events.
Over 250 Ambassadors received their timepiece at the phenomenal Xccelerate ACTION event in March 2022.
Over 700 Live attendees and thousands of Livestream viewers worldwide watched as they received this significant award.
The next event will be Go Diamond, where recognition will take center stage, and Star Achievers, Super Star Achievers, and new breaking ranks will be recognized!

About ibüümerang: 
Officially launched on September 1, 2019, ibüümerang was founded with the vision to be a customer-centric company focused on giving back without expecting anything in return.
ibüümerang crystalized its mission with a strong focus on “Travel and Trade,” with exclusive lifestyle products and services to improve the lives of Ambassadors and customers.
 ibüümerang pioneered the concept of “you only earn when your customers save,” and supports


ibüümerang Super Star Achievers & Diamond Ambassadors Jackie and Jahla Pippins Achieve Team Momentum

Having been business partners since day 1, the mother & daughter Pippins duo have always known they were superstars.
After making their mark on ibüümerang as Diamond Ambassadors, Jackie and Jahla Pippins are determined to build on their superstar momentum throughout the rest of 2022 with hard work and a powerhouse attitude.
Check out the following interview to get some insights into the Pippins’ journey and how they intend to use Mr. and Mrs. Buggs leadership philosophies to continue their team’s momentum and success
Q: Talk about your career background and how you were introduced to ibüümerang.
Before network marketing, I worked as an office manager in a hospital, living paycheck to paycheck. When I was introduced to the industry, I wasn’t qualified to say no.
After constantly hearing about Holton Buggs, I flew out to Las Vegas for a meeting where I met him. After that, I was all in.
I was introduced to ibüümerang in Miami in 2019. It’s been an exciting and successful journey with Mr. and Mrs. Buggs ever since that moment.
Q: What were your strategies when building your team and aiming to become a Super Star Achiever? How did you go about creating growth for your team?
Our #1 strategy