Tag Archive for Hungary

Emese Schön From Hungary, A Rising Star In Earn.World

Emese Schön:
“Earn.World’s heart intelligence makes it a fantastic company for women in crypto.”
Emese Schön is one of the remarkable women at Earn.World who are making a difference in the crypto space. She began networking in December 2022 with no prior experience in the field. She started her network marketing journey by posting her process on social media. This gave her the confidence to simply talk enthusiastically to other people about amazing opportunities.

“I chose the network marketing industry because it provides a very great chance to come in contact with different people all over the world. It connects people with each other and allows everyone to start off their career on an equal playing field regardless of their status quo. That’s really inspiring.”

shared Emese.
With hard work and dedication, Emese was able to increase her whole online and digital involvement; she noticed a significant shift in her social media presence and lifestyle and knew she wanted to get deeply involved in the network marketing field.

“I chose Earn.World because I can manage my money on my own terms, and it’s a great direct cash flow system in the Crypto Defi space. It also provides excellent business management capabilities. I admired Suki Chen’s


Network Marketing Professional Attila Bognar From Hungary Joins DreamTrips

Attila Bognar launches field team-building effort after a decade on the corporate side.
From his home in Budapest, Hungary, Attila Bognar sets about making his dream of building a huge, international network marketing business a reality.
Attila spent a decade navigating a career on the corporate marketing side of the MLM travel industry. But even in that capacity, he longed for the unique opportunity that comes from stepping into a company—one with all the promise of becoming an industry giant—from the beginning and launching his own field effort to build a highly successful international team.
Now he’s doing just that at DreamTrips International.
As a corporate travel marketing professional for many years prior to DTI’s launch, it was Attila’s business to pay attention to member experience—find ways to attract new members, build loyalty and retention.
He’s impressed with DTI’s Discover System that showcases the company’s stellar travel products and training, in such a way that it makes team building easier by rolling both into the initial membership fee.
“I love to help people and love to see their success and fulfill their life with experiences,”
Attila says of his motivation to now utilize his talents on the field side at DTI. It also allows him


Dennis Nowak – LavyLites – Achieves $80,000 Per Month

LavyLites, the network marketing company from Hungary, founded by CEO Tibor Jakabovics, with annual sales of about $40 million is expanding to Japan, India, Russia, and the USA.
Since German network marketing professional Dennis Nowak started at Lavylites in May 2014, his distributor network has grown to 30,000+ partners, focused on the distribution of the products. Nowak and his team are generating approx. 40% of the total annual sales.
Dennis Nowak’s monthly income has grown to an estimated $75,000 to $85,000 with accumulated income amounting to more than $1million.
For the third year running, LavyLites, is growing continuously and already generates a turnover of $4 million per month, in only 5 countries.
The Russian market has been opened. In autumn India and Japan will follow and early 2017 the USA. Lavylites plans to achieve a turnover


Bank Of Hungary – Issued Warning For Crypto Currencies

The Bank of Hungary has send a warning against Crypto Currency like Bitcoin and OneCoin.
I have reached out to co-founder and CEO of OneCoin Dr. Ruja Ignatova who stated:
” The Central bank draws attention that OneCoin – like Bitcoin is an investment with risks. As we all know high return potential and high risk go hand in hand, and for sure cryptocurrency or having your money in stocks is riskier than parking your money on a traditional savings account, which earns less than 0.5% interest p.a. We have seen Bitcoin show volatility and reach heights between 200 and 1200 USD.
The article below however does not say that OneCoin or Bitcoin are a pyramid scheme, but that early joiner make more money that late adapter.
OneCoin shows the same development and profit pattern