Tag Archive for How to Succeed

Some tips for being a successful business owner

It’s an exciting time; you are on the brink of starting your own company and are gathering necessary information. There is no blueprint on how to succeed with your own business, but here are a few tips that might be valuable for you. Know your limitations and seek help You should know both your strengths
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Why I Sell MLM – Network Marketing And You Should Not

Lauren Goldstein is what some would call a maverick leader.  She is a serial entrepreneur, speaker,  author, igniter, game-changer, and young-at-heart dreamer.
She has published an excellent article about MLM – Network Marketing:
MLM’s are not for you if:

You don’t want to work hard.   It is simple, but you have to hustle!

You want something that will make you thousands of dollars overnight. Nope – they are not get rich quick schemes, they take time, consistency, and patience – if you have those three things then you can make amazing money but don’t think a CC and a prayer are all you need. And if someone tries to tell you different, they are blowing air up your skirt and you should walk away – fast.

You have more excuses than a toddler at bedtime.  If