Tag Archive for Highest Rank

Andy and Mandy Hosier Achieve Highest Rank in LifeWave

Andy Hosier, and Mandy Hosier, achieved Senior Presidential Director at LifeWave in record time of only 7 months after deciding that This Is It! They have 23 years of experience in network marketing and have a track record of success because they know how to build leaders.
They were looking for the right company that had an incredible product, great culture of people, a sensible pay plan, and they found that with LifeWave. 
The X39 wearable device is the best product the hosiers have experienced in Network Marketing. The technology is exclusive, the people involved around the world are amazing, and the pay plan is extraordinary.
“Our team is rapidly rocketing through the ranks Faster than we have ever experienced in our Networking career. LifeWave pays us tremendously well to help others win and that’s what we love about this industry,”
says Andy. 
Andy studied leadership in college, is a master communicator, and has a gift of making something complicated simple to the average person. He teaches, trains, and mentors’ people with passion every day. Mandy is also a great communicator and loves to help people get success by pulling the greatness out of them.
They both understand that this industry


Tessa Tremain, From Australia Achieves Highest Rank in LifeWave

Tessa Tremain, achieves Senior Presidential Director in LifeWave in the ‘Land down under’with upline all the way in America.  
Tessa has proved that NO MATTER where you are in the world YOU CAN WIN BIG WITH X39! She achieved this prestigious rank just 16 months after enrolling in LifeWave.
As a single mum of four adult children, Tessa has a passion and desire to make a difference in her future. Tessa understood the power of an exclusive product like X39 and the opportunity behind it straight away.
She went to work and started building a team of like-minded people right out of the gates. As she set the vision in place and started to build a team of people to run the race as fast as they could, given the hurdles they all faced.  

Tessa says,
“Anyone with a passion and determination and a will to make this happen WILL succeed. The X39 device is phenomenal, all it takes is someone with a Dream that decides to step it up, and become a leader to make it happen.”

Tessa is convinced the X39 Device is the Best Product ever launched in the Network Marketing Industry.

“The X39 device is the reason for the major growth


Chris Hattingh, From South Africa Achieves Highest Rank In LifeWave

Chris Hattingh is a South African born entrepreneur, living in Johannesburg. He started his career in the corporate world. In 1998, Chris at the age of 22, joined his first Network Marketing Company. He built the largest team in that company outside of the USA.
It was a small family run business and was limited to his local market in South Africa, but still ran teams of thousands of people. In 2002 the owner passed away and the company shut down shortly thereafter. 
Chris then went into direct sales in the security industry for one of South Africa’s Top 300 Companies. Because of his passion of working with people, he closed over 10,000 personal sales over the period of a decade and was the number one salesperson nationally, breaking all sales records.
In 2012 he designed a children’s toy car in a garage at home, and after 2 years turned it into an International Toy brand. His company hit the tipping point at the end of 2019, preparing for growth in 2020. As Covid forced the world into lock-down, the pandemic took its toll in most industries. Chris had to close the doors to his company.  
In the middle of Covid, looking


George Kedourie From United Kingdom And Spain Achieves Highest Rank In LifeWave

George Kedourie, London-born entrepreneur, now living in Mallorca, Spain, Achieves Senior Presidential Director, highest rank in LifeWave.
In the face of substantial challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, George Kedourie, harnessed adversity to forge new pathways, pioneering LifeWave and its recently patented X39 technology.

With an extensive background in sales, manufacturing, and online businesses, George confronted the closure of two ventures amid the pandemic. This challenging period shifted positively when a former client introduced George to the LifeWave X39 device, a leading-edge, patented health technology that leverages light to enhance cellular health.
Initially skeptical, George’s perspective transformed after he listened to an insightful presentation by David Schmidt, the founder of LifeWave.
“The science behind X39 intrigued me enough to personally test its effects for myself.
The friends I shared the X39 device with had such life changing testimonies I knew we were on to something big,”
George commented.

After fourteen months of using the X39, George noted profound health improvements: a lifelong chronic cough completely vanished, and his dermatologist highlighted significant improvements in his skin’s health.
Additionally, he reported increased energy levels and enhanced mental clarity, attributing these benefits to the innovative technology. The changes have significantly improved his daily life, allowing him to


Lynda Sanchez Achieves Highest Rank at LifeWave

Lynda Sanchez, a dynamic and visionary leader from Rancho Cucamonga, CA, who is seasoned with 17 years of experience in the MLM industry, Lynda as a single mother has reached the esteemed rank of Senior Presidential Director, Highest Rank at LifeWave in just 10 months at LifeWave.

Unlike typical MLM products LifeWave is a groundbreaking company at the forefront of health and wellness innovation. Her extraordinary accomplishments and unwavering commitment to transforming lives through X39 stem cell reactivation have solidified her position as a true industry influencer.

The Decision
Lynda had been out of the MLM industry for several years hoping to find a compelling enough product to reenter into the industry. She recently received an inspiring call urging her to “come out of retirement” and take charge of a new, exciting venture.
Lynda was sold once she realized she would be teaming up with Network Marketing Legends, Steve and Gina Merritt.  She decided to join forces with the fastest growing team in LifeWave which includes her now sponsors Javi and Olga Solis, who’s upline include Mike and Sahi Hernandez, and Steve and Gina Merritt.
Having the right partners has propelled her to new heights of success. Recognizing the immense potential of the X39


Matt And Kim Curtis Achieve Highest Rank in LifeWave

Matt and Kim Curtis,  achieve Senior Presidential Director in LifeWave. This power couple have always been Big Dreamers and love to help others realize and accomplish their dreams. They have never experienced anything with the rapid success they are experiencing in LifeWave.
In less than a year they not only achieved the highest rank but helped many other LifeWave team members do the same. The accomplishment of helping others Win Big in their LifeWave business blesses Matt and Kim the most.
The Curtis’s have been go getters their entire life. They became entrepreneurs at a young age, started their own construction company. Matt was introduced to the Network Marketing Industry 30 years ago and realized the power of this industry.
He was intrigued by the duplication effect and how the more people you help achieve their dreams and goals the more success you will experience. The concept of being able to help enough people achieve their dream and you could achieve yours, once implanted stuck, and the rest is history.
The moment Network Marketing legends Steve and Gina Merritt, reached out to longtime friends Matt and Kim they were in! The couples have been friends for over 30 years and even though LifeWave was


Don and Sandi Mahrer Achieve Highest Rank at LifeWave

Don and Sandi Mahrer, achieve the Highest Rank in LifeWave, Senior Presidential Directors. The Mahrer’s have been involved in the Network Marketing Industry for 31 years.
They have achieved great success in MLM.  But little did they know that Sandi’s sister and her husband Steve and Gina Merritt, were about to take them on an incredible life-changing journey again. LifeWave is without a doubt, the best kept 19-year-old secret in Network Marketing.
“When my sister Gina called us and shared about this newly patented technology that LifeWave had in the X39, we realized this was going to be a huge game changer for all.
After experiencing life changing testimonies personally, with our family, friends, and team we quickly realized this was an opportunity that we could not pass by.
We are convinced, X39 is the best product ever launched in the Network Marketing Industry.”
The Mahrer’s both come from Entrepreneur families. They have earned millions of dollars in the Network Marketing Industry that has provided their family with so much more than a conventional business could ever do.
Don and Sandi have owned multiple conventional businesses which came with many problems and high costs. These conventional businesses never produced the income


Keston And Brooke Robinson Achieve Highest Rank in LifeWave

Serial entrepreneurs, Keston & Brooke Robinson, have hit the highest rank in Lifewave while operating four of their privately owned businesses!
Keston and Brooke teamed up with network marketing legends Steve and Gina Merritt and Mike and Sahi Hernandez and have been on fire ever since.
They are proof that even with the busiest of schedules, if you have a product that’s exclusive, a system that’s proven, and great leadership, anyone can build a massive network marketing business and achieve the highest rank in less than a year.
Filled with momentum, they know “X39 is without a doubt, the best product in the industry because of the technology that is changing EVERYONE’S lives” Brooke explains. Brooke most recently decided to drop over half of her client book to focus more on the Lifewave business!
She says,
“I was becoming exhausted with the rat race of event planning, the stress, crazy hours and never-ending flights around the globe.
I wanted more time with my family and desperately needed less stress.
The past year with the LifeWave business has proven that I can have it all – it’s been the biggest eye-opening experience, and I am so grateful that Mike and Sahi Hernandez introduced us


BFH Andreh and Jackie Davoudi Achieve Highest Rank In Lifewave

Nearly 14 months ago, I found myself at a crossroads, battling with health challenges that seemed insurmountable. A bout of cancer had left me almost disabled and on the verge of losing my left leg.
The overwhelming despair that accompanied this struggle was suffocating, and I was on the precipice of losing hope. It was then that I discovered the life-changing power of LifeWave.
My journey with LifeWave began as I was desperately searching for a solution to regain my health. The trials and tribulations of my cancer had left me physically and emotionally drained. I was not ready to accept a life of disability and dependence, so I began my quest for a lifeline.
That lifeline came when my friend Lynda Sanchez, introduced me to X39, LifeWave’s revolutionary product. The X39, with its groundbreaking technology, offered the promise of reprogramming my body and aiding in my recovery. Skeptical yet hopeful, I embarked on a journey that would soon prove to be a life-altering experience.
The results of X39 were nothing short of miraculous. My body, once weakened and on the brink of amputation, began to improve. The X39 Technology seemed to communicate with my cells, promoting regeneration and revitalization. With each passing


Dr. JUCHHEIM Cosmetics Awards First Globe-Trotter Rank

Dr. JUCHHEIM Cosmetics celebrated a wave of enthusiasm due to countless career advancements. 
And not only that; since the introduction of the new marketing plan, the three new, top titles have also been occupied by relentless leaders; and we were able to award and crown our first “Globe-Trotter” (highest career level): Sandra & Dietmar Schwalm (Germany).
The company-wide increase in turnover compared to the previous month came to 31%. Total payout expanded to 63% more distributors compared to December 2022. This means that the new marketing plan pays out more widely and also pays out higher with a double-digit percentage increase compared to Dec’22.
Income was distributed to many more brand ambassadors and in some cases even to unprecedented personal record amounts. In total, 306 Distributors achieved new career levels, including 261 new Managers, 19x Director, 13x National Team Director, 4x International Team Director, 2x President, one new Senator, 5 new Admirals and one first Globe-Trotter (as explained above). 
The career level ADMIRAL has not been occupied before and has now been reached 5 times: Annette Schroeder, Renate Bode, Petra Gomer, Karin Mack as well as Ágnes Váczy-Huebschl & Mattis Baumann. 
The company expresses thanks to all its leaders and especially