Tag Archive for Highest Personally Sponsored Rank Advancements

Steve & Gina Merritt Awarded LifeWave Global Leaders Highest Personally Sponsored Rank Advancements

Steve and Gina Merritt are breaking more records in LifeWave!
Meredith Berkich, President of LifeWave, Awards Steve and Gina Merritt LifeWave Global Leaders Highest Personally Sponsored Rank Advancements.
After being involved in the company for just one year the Merritt’s are doing it again. Steve and Gina were recently awarded by LifeWave for helping the most personals achieve the highest rank in both North America and the entire World.
LifeWave has been in business for over 19 years. They are open in 75 countries including huge markets like Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippians, and throughout Europe. 
Steve and Gina Merritt in their first year have helped more people on their team hit the highest ranks than any distributor in LifeWave both in North America and around the World. This achievement shows the kind of servant leadership this couple exemplifies. Steve and Gina have helped more personals in their organization to succeed to the highest ranks, and in turn generate more income for their front-line team than anyone else in the company.
That is an amazing feat since everyone had a 19-year head start over the Merritt’s. To accomplish this globally with this many countries and markets already open for so many years