Tag Archive for Hasan & Bonita McClain

Total Life Changes’ Youngest Couple To Reach The Ambassador Rank

Hasan and Bonita McClain have always strived to do things as a couple and make a better life for their family. They have worked tirelessly to improve their lives financially, emotionally and spiritually. They even got baptized together. However, despite their efforts, life just kept getting harder and harder. 
They moved their family from North Philadelphia to the suburbs and the bills quickly began to pile up. Hasan has always been a reliable provider, he worked as a long-distance truck driver to make ends meet for his young family.
He spent many days and nights on the road and away from Bonita and their three small children. But as hard as they both worked it just wasn’t enough. They found themselves owing $50,000 in credit card debt and living from check-to-check trying to keep the bills paid. 