Tag Archive for Green Diamond

Margenie Winarti Achieves Green Diamond at QuiAri

Whoever said they are too busy to be successful in Network Marketing has never met QuiAri Green Diamond Promoter Margenie Winarti from Surabaya, Indonesia.
She’s a mom of 3 children, a CEO of a body-shaping clothing line, a global champion equestrian athlete, and a social media influencer. She recently joined QuiAri and has already achieved one of QuiAri’s highest ranks – Green Diamond.

“In the past, I avoided joining Network Marketing companies because I had the wrong impression of what they were all about. I assumed it was high-pressure, door-to-door sales with products that promise a lot, but deliver very little.
My good friend, Green Diamond Promoter, Diana Halim, introduced me to QuiAri, and it completely changed my mind. QuiAri is a one-of-a-kind company that I am thrilled to be a part of. Their breakthrough, proprietary, anti-aging products changed my life, and I love getting paid commissions in just 5 minutes.
It’s the fastest payment system in the world. As a CEO, I respect QuiAri’s innovative Executive Team, especially QuiAri Founder & CEO, Bob Reina. He has created a global community of people that genuinely want to help people and make the world a better, healthier place to live,”

stated QuiAri


Eventius Purwoko Achieves Green Diamond at QuiAri

QuiAri’s newest Green Diamond Promoter, Eventius Purwoko from Makassar, Indonesia, is a long-time Network Marketing veteran.
He has been in the industry since 1998 and believes that much of his success comes from timing. Being in the right company at the right time has provided Eventius with many life-changing opportunities, but none that have generated results as quickly as QuiAri.
“Even before I joined Network Marketing, I had big dreams and wanted to be successful. I went to college and graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. I thought the degree would help me get a high-paying job, but clearly, it wasn’t meant to be.
A friend introduced me to Network Marketing, and I just fell in love with the whole industry.  I enjoyed success during my 25-year MLM career, but there were many peaks and valleys.
Around 8 years ago, I was not in the right opportunity and found myself deep in debt.  Fortunately, I reconnected with an old friend at the perfect time. It was Mario Halim, who is now a Crown Purple Diamond Promoter at QuiAri.
Mario introduced me to a life-changing opportunity that provided me with an opportunity to pay off my debt and get back on


Andre Winata Leosaputra Achieves Green Diamond at QuiAri

When QuiAri Green Diamond Promoter, Andre Winata Leosaputra was growing up in Surabaya, Indonesia, his parents encouraged him to study hard and get a college education so that one day he could get a high-paying office job.
Now as a successful QuiAri Promoter with the freedom to work from anywhere, the world is his office, and Andre wouldn’t have it any other way.
“I did well in school and graduated from college with a degree in Economics. I learned that in business, duplication leads to success.
While I was in college, I joined a Network Marketing company hoping to earn extra money to pay bills. After graduation, I decided not to pursue a career in Economics.
I really loved Network Marketing and started working my business full-time. My parents were worried about my future. Success to them meant a secure, 9-to-5 office job. After I was gifted a brand-new Mercedes through a Network Marketing incentive program, they realized I was going to be just fine.
I’ve been in Network Marketing for over 17 years and joining QuiAri now, when they are at the early stages of expansion, is the best decision I’ve ever made. This is the equivalent of joining Apple


Diana Halim Achieves Green Diamond At QuiAri

Diana Halim, from Surabaya, Indonesia is a successful woman in many different fields. She’s a Content Creator, Fashion Designer, Fitness & Health Enthusiast, proud Mom of 2, and, most recently, a Green Diamond Promoter at QuiAri.
“A friend who knows I’m interested in health and nutrition introduced me to QuiAri Products. I loved the way the products made me feel – more energized, leaner, and my skin looked and felt younger.
Plus, they are delicious!  I saw QuiAri as a golden opportunity that aligned with what I do best – helping others and providing for my family.
I’ve worked in the Network Marketing industry for a long time and enjoyed success, but this opportunity is completely different.
QuiAri offers the highest commission payout I’ve ever received, and they pay in 5 minutes or less worldwide. That is truly remarkable. People around the world need to know this company exists,”
said QuiAri Green Diamond, Diana Halim.
When Diana introduced QuiAri to her Team, which is a mix of her Promoters, Customers, Fans, and Followers, they were just as excited as she was.
“I shared product samples and an Opportunity video featuring QuiAri Founder & CEO, Bob Reina explaining the Compensation Plan, and everyone on