Tag Archive for Giorgio Trabaldo

Giorgio Trabaldo Achieves Royal Diamond Rank At BE

In the dynamic world of network marketing, Giorgio Trabaldo has emerged as a true trailblazer. After six years of relentless dedication to the industry, Giorgio made a pivotal decision to join BE, and he’s doing it like none before.
In his very first month with BE, Giorgio achieved the prestigious Royal Diamond rank, positioning himself on the cusp of the Ambassador rank—a remarkable feat that speaks volumes about his determination and prowess.
To become a Royal Diamond in BE, one needs to make sales worth $1.5 million in a month in their organization. At least 60% of these sales volume originates from retail product sales to end consumers.
On average, Royal Diamonds who do this earn about $150,000 a month. But this amount can change. Actual earnings depend on individual performance, the performance of their downline, market conditions, and other factors. Achieving the rank does not guarantee any specific income. Past performance does not guarantee future results.
But who was Giorgio Trabaldo before his journey with BE? He was already neck deep in the network marketing arena for six years, a period he describes as “six years of pure fire.”
His journey into this industry began when he was just 18, and from