Tag Archive for freight forwarder

How will Brexit affect my imports and exports? Where to find customs help

Originally written by Ben Lobel on Small Business
UPDATED: The Government has admitted that British companies trading with Europe will have to fill in an extra 215 million customs declarations a year post Brexit.
And this post Brexit customs bureaucracy burden will cost British businesses around £7bn a year, according to Government officials.
You will need an EORI number
UK businesses trading with EU countries need to obtain an Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number if they do not already have one. UK businesses trading with the EU should (if they do not already have one) apply for a UK EORI number from HMRC, to ensure they can still move their goods into and out of the UK post-Brexit. You can apply for a UK EORI number here.
You will also need an EU EORI number
You will also need an EU EORI number when you export to the European Union. You should apply for an EU EORI number from the customs authorities in whichever EU state you deal with the most, to ensure you can still move your goods into and out of the EU. Get this from the customs authority in the EU country where you submit your first declaration or request your


How will Brexit affect my imports and exports? Where to find customs help

Originally written by Ben Lobel on Small Business
The Government has admitted that British companies trading with Europe will have to fill in an extra 215 million customs declarations a year post Brexit.
And this post Brexit customs bureaucracy burden will cost British businesses around £7bn a year, according to Government officials.
One way to relieve the burden for businesses will be to use a customs agent to process your Brexit paperwork. Some 50,000 new private-sector customs agents will have to be hired by businesses to deal with UK-EU border paperwork after December 31, 2020.
In 2018, former HMRC head Jon Thompson estimated that the cost of each customs declaration could be £32.50 each but that could go as high as £55.
What does a customs agent do?
A customs agent – also known as a customs broker or import broker – works to make the import and export of goods run smoothly, by facilitating the clearance of goods through customs.
Customs agents are experts in international trade – it’s their job to keep abreast of the changing rules and regulations, and make sure that their clients have all the paperwork and licenses they need to import goods to the UK.
What’s the difference between a customs agent


Freight forwarder: Everything you need to know

If you’re already doing business abroad, you’ve likely heard of freight forwarders before. They promise to take much of the stress out of international shipping – and deal with all aspects of the transportation and delivery of your goods. In most cases they’ll also deal with customs clearance. But do you really need to use
The post Freight forwarder: Everything you need to know appeared first on Small Business.