Tag Archive for Founding Member Options

Zija International Launches Founding Member Options

With the recent announcement of Zija International’s two new product divisions—Améo Essential Oils and Ripstix Fitness Supplements—which join the existing Zija Core Nutritionals line, the company is giving each of its Distributors the opportunity to become a Founding Member of one or all three divisions.
Becoming a Founding Member is simple for Distributors to attain by following: First, they need to purchase one of the innovative Founder Kits; second they must enroll two new people and help them each enroll two new people.
There are several Founder options, each focusing on one of the product lines. Zija has also created an all-encompassing “Life Unlimited Experience Founder Kit,” which contains products from all three divisions and pays homage to the company’s Life Unlimited mantra and company culture.
Anyone who aquires a Founder Kit will receive points toward the Zija Gold Challenge Cruise sailing around the Caribbean next May. They will also get one complementary registration to Zija Summit 2014 and receive a limited edition Founder Bag. Finally, Founding Members’ names will be etched on the Zija Founders Wall, demonstrating their passion for the company’s product lines.
Zija plans to unveil more details and benefits of becoming a Founder at their upcoming Zija Summit 2014 international