Tag Archive for Forensic Networker

FUD And VOLATILITY Are The Price Of Admission For MLM Success

By Ramin Mesgarlou: also know as “The Forensic Networker.” and CEO of a MLM Company.
“In life you often hear things like “you have to pay the price to become successful”. What this usually refers to is sacrifice and work hard.
While this is definitely true, there is a step before “paying the price” that builds the foundation to be able to “pay the price” and that step is “Managing Expectations “.
This means that you are well aware of all the up coming emotional roller coaster events and that you should expect the path to MLM success to be rough and at time unpleasant.
In fact if you have chosen the right company (see my video “what is MLM and how to select the right company” on Youtube), the only reason you can fail is you missing this vital part – “Managing Expectations”.
Today I am going to share with you two main reasons why networkers quit or become inactive, they are Fud & Volatility. Let’s go through them.


FUD stands for Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.
FUD is the first important part of managing expectations that must be understood to be able to overcome it.
Let’s go though each separately.


You must be able to manage little fears like


Top Trainer Ramin Mesgarlou Speaker At The European Direct Selling Congress

Ramin Mesgarlou has been featured and interviewed on scores of magazines, radio shows and TV shows including the Brian Tracy TV show.
He has been featured on FOX, MSNBC, Newsweek, ABC, CBS, Yahoo finance and others for his cutting edge expertise in the Direct selling and MLM industry.
Ramin Mesgarlou has spent more than half of his life as a high performing direct seller. Ramin started his Direct Sales profession in1990 at age 20 and spent the next 14 years building his home business empires.
Ramin explains that building multi-million dollar empires is nice but what he is really proud of is the fact that for 12 of those 14 years he spent in the field working as a full time high performing and high earning distributor.
Ramin’s success came from the basic principle that direct sales


Brian Tracy Interviews Forensic Networker Ramin Mesgarlou

Brian Tracy is Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, a company specializing in the training and development of individuals and organizations.
Brian’s goal is to help you achieve your personal and business goals faster and easier than you ever imagined.
Brian Tracy has consulted for more than 1,000 companies and addressed more than 5,000,000 people in 5,000 talks and seminars throughout the US, Canada and 70 other countries worldwide.
As a keynote speaker and seminar leader, he addresses more than 250,000 people each year.
He has studied, researched, written and spoken for 30 years in the fields of economics, history, business, philosophy and psychology. He is the top selling author of over 70 books that have been translated into dozens of languages.
Brian has studied, researched, written and spoken for 30 years in the fields of


The Forensic Networker – Will You Lose Friends IN MLM?

My good friend Ramin Mesgarlou,  AKA The Forensic Networker has written a great article about the Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt (The FUD factor) starters might have.
Forensic Mantra – “Friends” but no friends!
By Ramin Mesgarlou, AKA The Forensic Networker
So, you are puzzled why you are losing some so called “friends” since you launched your new DS/MLM profession. You are wondering what happened to some of those relationships and why some are even talking negatively to you or behind your back.
Point 1: IT’S NORMAL so don’t be shocked, it’s NOT unique to you.
Point 2: It’s not their reaction that you should be concerned about; it’s   YOUR reaction that makes all the difference.
Over the past 26 years, I have seen some old friends turn to acquaintances and eventually strangers. A few even went beyond and became


Forensic Mantra – “Expect The Bumps And Bruises”

“The Road To Success Is Always Under Construction”
What happened to my son last weekend is happening to you and your team members daily in your MLM career so read it carefully.  
As you can see in the video and the image below, last weekend at our vacation home on the sea, I was living my dreams, biking with my great one (my 5 year old Cyrus which I call Cyrus The Great).
Having the Mesgarlou DNA in him, the GR8 said “Baba can we go to the Club House parking lot and race like before?” Reluctantly, I agreed because he refused to wear his knee and elbow pads that day, but since he is such a great rider I said yes. It was a 12-lap race and on the 12th lap we were going really fast side by side (he is really fast). Towards the finish line he went over a batch of sand on a turn and slipped and fell really hard. Right from the beginning it was obvious that he was hurt badly with large scrapes on his elbow and knee and he started to cry. I rushed, picked him up, called super mommy to come with the SUV