Tag Archive for First New Mercedes Car Incentive

Talk Fusion Awards First New Mercedes Car Incentive At Hero Event

The yearly Luxury Car Parade through the streets of Surabaya signifies the beginning of the annual HERO 2015 Event weekend, sponsored by the leadership team of Talk Fusion Independent Associates in Indonesia.
This year nearly 50 sports and luxury cars, each emblazoned with the Talk Fusion logo, took part in the hour long drive through the heart of the city. Lamborghinis, Mercedes-Benzes, BMWs, Porsches, and Ferraris, complete with police escort, followed the lead Hummer stretch limousine in a parade that turned heads and announced that Talk Fusion was in town.
The excitement of the mile long Luxury Car Parade proved to be just the beginning of the spectacle to follow. A packed convention center filled with thousands of cheering Associates was the setting for the first Mercedes Madness Car Purchase awards.
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