Tag Archive for European Direct Selling Congress

MLM Attorney Kevin Thompson Speaker At The European Direct Selling Congress

Kevin Thompson is one of the most sought after network marketing attorneys in the United States. 
Kevin was at our original European Direct selling Congress in 2010 and it’s been a pleasure to watch him develop his practice throughout the years.
He was also recently selected as a Super Lawyer by Super Lawyers Magazine, a publication by Thomson Reuters. Kevin provides invaluable insights to help network marketing companies (and ditsributors) stay out of regulatory trouble.
After having worked with several hundred companies throughout the years, Kevin has developed valuable insights and instincts to help companies see around corners to avoid trouble.     
As one of the founding partners of Thompson Burton PLLC, Kevin has helped the firm grow from two attorneys to twenty in the short span of four years.  By focusing on


Top Trainer Ramin Mesgarlou Speaker At The European Direct Selling Congress

Ramin Mesgarlou has been featured and interviewed on scores of magazines, radio shows and TV shows including the Brian Tracy TV show.
He has been featured on FOX, MSNBC, Newsweek, ABC, CBS, Yahoo finance and others for his cutting edge expertise in the Direct selling and MLM industry.
Ramin Mesgarlou has spent more than half of his life as a high performing direct seller. Ramin started his Direct Sales profession in1990 at age 20 and spent the next 14 years building his home business empires.
Ramin explains that building multi-million dollar empires is nice but what he is really proud of is the fact that for 12 of those 14 years he spent in the field working as a full time high performing and high earning distributor.
Ramin’s success came from the basic principle that direct sales


Top Leader Jacek Dudzic Speaker At The European Direct Selling Congress

Jacek Dudzic from Czestochowa, Poland, over the last 9 years, has earned a solid reputation as a very successful MLM leader in his country and globally.
He hit top positions with 3 companies he was involved in the past and now is leading an expansion of a health and welness company in his home country.
His special area of expertise is customer acquisition and he has tremendous results teaching others to do it. In September 2016 he took 10 people and coached them in this area and just within 8 weeks they acquired close to 200 customers in their MLM opportunity.
Jacek was introduced to MLM back in 2007.

A friend of mine explained to me an idea of building a network of people who go out and get 10-20 customers each and


Top Leader Alex Morton Speaker At The European Direct Selling Congress

Alex Morton in 2011, was introduced to a health & wellness company, got excited, and by March of 2014, at the age of 24, he became the youngest $1,000,000 earner in that company’s history.
In mid 2015, he partnered with his second company and has now earned over $2,500,000 by his 26th birthday. Alex also helped 21 individuals hit six-figure incomes throughout his career, which covered all of the United States, Canada, Mexico and 30 other countries around the world.
Alex is a normal guy who grew up in a a small town with big goals and dreams. In 2012, Alex graduated from Arizona State University. In 2009, while attending ASU, he obtained a Real Estate License and worked part-time selling and leasing condos. This was Alex’s first taste of entrepreneurship, being his own


Top Earner Enes Olgun Speaker At The European Direct Selling Congress

Enes Olgun, from Istanbul, Turkey, has a team of over 65,000+ members which Enes has build in 7 years.
In 2015 –  6,000 people from HIS team attended a generic training with Eric Worre in Istanbul, which was NOT a corporate event.
Before his shining career in network marketing he was a student and had never been engaged in any economic activity before. His family supported him financially.
Like most people, he had pre-conceived ideas about network marketing. He had heard of Amway before because his family was involved in it. Enes was not interested to listen to any MLM company.
One day in 2008, a close friend called him and invited Enes to see him. He didn’t mention a word about the business during the invitation. When they meet, he introduced the business