Tag Archive for European Direct Selling Congress

European Direct Selling Congress 2019 Amsterdam – The Netherlands

In the Heart of Amsterdam (Leidseplein) – The Netherlands, in the famous DeLaMar Theater, Business For Home has invited a selection of the most powerful Leaders in Network Marketing, for two life changing days and we want you to join us.
This kind of quality training is often only available in the USA; and now for Once-In-A-Life-time, coming to Europe – The Netherlands.
It is delivered in a completely generic format. No companies or products are ever mentioned so you will feel safe to share this Business Event with your Team.
Listen, Analyze, Learn, Lunch, Inter-act and have Fun with the ultimate Experts. Discover the Trends, Learn from the Experts!
13 – 14 April  2019
Saturday 13 April from 9.00 to 17.00  VIP Meeting 17.30 – 19.30
Sunday 14 April from 10.00 to 18.00.
DeLaMar Theater
Amsterdam – The Netherlands
VIP and regular tickets can be booked here:
European Direct Selling Congress 2019 – Tickets
Recap European Direct Selling Congress 2018

Discover Direct Sales training from USA and European million dollar-earning distributors and corporate executives.
Get involved and achieve a new level of personal satisfaction, empower yourself with the tools to take immediate and massive action in your life and receive thousands of dollars in free consulting.
Experience first-hand the strategies required for becoming very succesfull, and


Bode Pro – BK Boreyko Back In Europe With Vemma Products

German version below
Great news for the many Vemma customers in Europe as BK Boreyko launches his new company Bode Pro with Vemma products. Vemma did $70 million in Europe.
BK Boreyko is one of the top speakers at the upcoming European Direct Selling Congress in the Netherlands.
According to the press release:
With their official launch 1st anniversary coming this October, Bode Pro is already making some aggressive moves internationally.
Record breaking Asia sales lead the way with the Japanese market, now this progressive wellness company that’s focused on cellular health, specifically mitochondria health is turning its focus to Europe.
The Bode Pro European prelaunch includes 7 dynamic countries with more to follow. Understanding that Europeans may not know what mitochondria is or why it plays such a critical role in your overall health, all that changed this month as Bod? Pro officially begins its prelaunch efforts.
‘We’ve got a vital story to tell the people of Europe and it’s a story that can positively change their health for the better.’
States BK Boreyko, the visionary behind Bode Pro. ‘It’s so rare to discover a health story that’s not being told, and mitochondria health is one of the most critical untold stories I’ve ever discovered.’
This Bode Pro prelaunch


Many Top Leaders Will Attend The European Direct Selling Congress 2018

In the Heart of Amsterdam (Leidseplein) – The Netherlands, in the famous DeLaMar Theater, Business For Home has invited a selection of the most powerful Leaders in Network Marketing, for two life changing days.
19 – 20 May 2018
Many European, Rising Stars and USA top leaders as Network Marketing Professionals will attend this unique event and will share power, put the needs of others first and help people develop and perform as highly as possible.
Tickets can be booked here:
European Direct Selling Congress – Tickets
This list is by no means comprehensive, however to mention a few attendees in alphabetical order:

Al Bala (US)
Alexandre Tournon (FR)
Amber Thorne (GB)
Amber Voight (US)
Anders Karlsson (SE)
Andreea Cimbala (IT)
Anna Matuszkiewicz (PL)
Antoinette Terlizzi (NL)
Armand Puyolt (US)
Bas Bunge (NL)
BK Boreyko (US)
Carolina Levie (CO)
Cheri Tree (US)
Chris Simons (US)
Danien Feier (DE)
Darren Jensen (US)
Diana Echeverry (US)
Dino Nedelko (SI)
Donna Johnson (US)
Dorinda Bourke (IE)
Efrosyni Adamides (CY)
Elceid Ata (GB)
Emma Caren (GB)
Esther Wildenberg (NL)
Evert Hoekstra (NL)
Felix Winkelmann (DE)
Gabriella Huri (HU)
Geja Heinen (NL)
Ghazala Jabeen (GB)
Gretha Keegstra (NL)
Igor Alberts (NL)
Jacek Dudzic (PL)
Jeff Mack (US)
Johnnie Green (US)
JP Koster (ZA)
Kirsten Liddle (GB)
Kristina Richter (DE)
Lars Rademaker (NL)
Lisa Daly (GB)
Marco Passanante (SE)
Maria Kurant (PL)
Mariel Kuitunen (FI)
Marina Mursic (SI)
Mart Reker (NL)
Martha Templeton (GB)
Melle Bijstra (NL)
Monir Islam (GB)
Moyn Islam (GB)
Nadine Rummeling (PH)
Olivia Charlotte (GB)
Periklis Ikonomidis (GR)
Peter Verdegem


Top Leader Daniel Feier Speaker At The European Direct Selling Congress 2018

Tickets can be booked here:
European Direct Selling Congress – Reservations

Danien Feier says:
“My mission is to lead people to their breakthrough point by working side by side with them and sharing all the secrets of network marketing”
I’ve been working in Network Marketing for a very long time, almost 15 years now. I’m completely dedicated to this industry, and in love with it, because it is the reason why I’m living the life I’ve always wanted.
What I do is twofold: I actively work to make my business and network grow, and I’m a network marketing coach, for people new in this field or people who feel they need a hand to help them step up and go to the next level.
I was 17 when I first became aware of the network marketing industry and when that happened I couldn’t sleep at night– I immediately felt deep inside that this was my chance.
Now I’m 31 and I’ve done many things: grown, learned a lot and improved myself, met extraordinary people, built a successful business and — most importantly — I’ve been living the life I’ve always dreamed of and which makes me happy. It might sound sentimental, but that is exactly what


Top CEO BK Boreyko Speaker At The European Direct Selling Congress 2018

Tickets can be booked here:
European Direct Selling Congress – Reservations

BK Boreyko’s first two start up Direct Selling companies each exceeded $1 billion in career sales.
Boreyko is like the Rocky Balboa of MLM, the US regulators can beat him down, but he keeps getting up and fighting. The “never give up” CEO 🙂
After a long fought 16 month battle with the FTC that his company finally settled in 2017, CEO BK Boreyko recently announced his next venture.
Meet BK Boreyko live at the European Direct Selling Congress in Amsterdam the Netherlands
This kind of quality training is often only available in the USA; and now for Once-In-A-Life-time, coming to Europe – The Netherlands.
It is delivered in a completely generic format. No companies or products are ever mentioned so you will feel safe to share this Business Event with your Team.
Listen, Analyze, Learn, Lunch, Inter-act and have Fun with the ultimate Experts. Discover the Trends, Learn from the Experts!
DeLaMar Theater – Amsterdam

DeLaMar Theater – Amsterdam

Virtuel Tour through DeLaMar Theater – Amsterdam

VIP and Early Bird tickets can be booked here:
European Direct Selling Congress – Reservations


Top CEO Armand Puyolt Speaker At The European Direct Selling Congress 2018

Tickets can be booked here:
European Direct Selling Congress – Reservations

Armand Puyolt is a legendary network marketing leader, multi-million-dollar earner, expert, and consultant whose goal is to help as many people as possible raise their quality of life and create a better future.
He started his own company in 2016 and 2017 sales exceeded $150 million.
Having experienced severe lack in his childhood, Armand committed himself from an early age to building up his outer resources and inner resourcefulness as an entrepreneur.
Armand has gone on to become one of the most recognized leaders in his company and the profession. He has created a massive team of people who focus on not only selling products, but also building the business effectively.
Due to his hard work and the Network Marketing business model, Armand was able to buy his first home at age 18, became a million-dollar earner at age 20, and was a five-million-dollar earner by age 25.
He is recognized throughout the Network Marketing profession as a true industry leader.
Tickets can be booked here:
European Direct Selling Congress – Reservations
Meet Armand Puyolt live at the European Direct Selling Congress in Amsterdam the Netherlands
This kind of quality training is often only available in the USA; and


Top CEO Darren Jensen Speaker At The European Direct Selling Congress 2018

Darren Jensen is President and CEO of a large public traded network marketing company.
After more than 26 years of experience, founding two extremely successful multi-level-marketing companies, and a long, successful track record of growth across the industry, Darren Jensen is delivering results, driving growth, and setting a standard of excellence.
And he does it all with a down-to-earth approach that puts people first. With a diverse background and a passion for service, he takes a unique approach that combines human understanding, 3-dimensional insights, and a lot of hard work into pioneering a new science and a thriving company.
He received a B.A. in International Relations from Brigham Young University, in Utah, USA and was named one of Utah Business Magazine’s 40 Under Forty honorees in 2009.
Meet Darren Jensen live at the European Direct Selling Congress in Amsterdam the Netherlands
Tickets can be booked here:
European Direct Selling Congress – Reservations
This kind of quality training is often only available in the USA; and now for Once-In-A-Life-time, coming to Europe – The Netherlands.
It is delivered in a completely generic format. No companies or products are ever mentioned so you will feel safe to share this Business Event with your Team.
Listen, Analyze, Learn, Lunch, Inter-act and have


Top Networker Amber Voight Speaker At The European Direct Selling Congress 2018

Tickets can be booked here:
European Direct Selling Congress – Reservations

Amber Voight is a mother of three young boys and million-dollar earner in network marketing. From her home in Minnesota, she leads a growing international team of close to 100,000 members spread out over North America, Australia, UK and the Netherlands.
Amber reached the highest rank in her company in just three months using her business savvy, social media networking skills, and passion for helping others. She has over 115,000 followers on Facebook.
Amber wrote The 7-Cent Decision so anyone can learn from her mistakes and build on what brought her success. Amber always keeps it real and tells you exactly how she did it.
Now that she has reached some major milestones in her career and built a dream life for her family, she loves to give others the tools, belief, and support they need to achieve their goals and dreams.
Have you ever wondered how some women seem to do it all—raising young children, homeschooling, building friendships around the world, and creating a hugely successful network marketing business?
Get it all at the European Direct Selling Congress 2018!
Tickets can be booked here:
European Direct Selling Congress – Reservations
Meet Amber Voight live at the European


Top Networker Stefania Lo Gatto Speaker At The European Direct Selling Congress 2018

Tickets can be booked here:
European Direct Selling Congress – Reservations

Stefania Lo Gatto is a professional networker, Diamond Director (the highest rank in Europe in her company), but first of all she is a woman who wakes up with a smile on her face every morning.
Stefania says:
“My job is to help people believe in their dreams and realize them one by one. When they finally have them in their grasp, their joy is also mine. Nothing is difficult after all, if you know how to do it, not even when you reach upon a distant star. But let’s start from the beginning…
I was born in Italy (Milan) in a wonderful family that always wanted the best for me. I attended the Institut auf dem Robenberg, a boarding school in Switzerland, and I graduated in Business Communication from the American International University in Los Angeles. Life gave me a fairy tale marriage and three beautiful kids: with my family I have lived in London, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, and Cascais, Portugal.
I was a mom full time, with love and dedication, even though I can speak four languages and I could have been a business woman in some corporation…but no, I chose my


Top Leader Sven Goebel Speaker At The European Direct Selling Congress 2018

Tickets can be booked here:
European Direct Selling Congress – Reservations
Dr. Sven Goebel looks back on almost 25 years of experience within the Network Marketing industry. He started his career as an independent business owner back in February 1992.
In 1994, he graduated as a PhD in science from the Technical University in Darmstadt, where after he “transformed” right into a passionate, full-time Network Marketing Professional after having build his business for 18 months part-time.
Today, Sven is a recognized industry leader, public speaker, coach and consultant. He functions as a role-model for Network Marketers from all over the world across all generations. He spoke to audiences all over Europe, North- & South America, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Israel, India, Australia, the Middle East, Ukraine and Russia, some of them far exceeding 10.000 attendees.
As a result of his impressive career over the past two decades, he has been featured in numerous papers, magazines, radio- and TV shows. With his own chapter in a book for the second time in his career, Sven has recently been featured in The Greatest Networkers in the World by best-selling author John Milton Fogg.
 Over the past 24 years, Sven has successfully build huge organizations with 3 major Network Marketing companies:
 In 1992, he