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How to establish an online presence for new businesses

Originally written by Partner Content on Small Business
So you’re starting a brand new business – congratulations! Embarking on a new business venture is always an exciting time.
Even if you’re not a particularly online business, it’s imperative that your company establishes a strong web presence.
However almost two million UK small businesses don’t have a website according to Approved Index, potentially costing them over £343bn each year. Thankfully that’s in total – not each.
So without further ado, let’s get your brand new biz found online…
1. Have a website
Many small business owners make the mistake of thinking “why go to the trouble and cost of creating a website when social media presence is free?” Though it’s important to put effort into your social visibility, a website gives you an online base of operations – a shopfront that’s uniquely your own.
Through distinct copy, design, and branding you can paint an individual picture of your business that sets you apart from your competition. Having your own website gives you control over what prospects see about you and how they get in touch with you. It also makes you seem more established, and therefore reliable.
Using social media may be free, but if the companies behind Facebook