Tag Archive for Eaconomy

Eaconomy New Allegations Coming up

On 8 April 2024, we reported about several allegations around Eaconomy with as title Eaconomy Not paying Commissions, Terminating Leaders? A Review 
Today Ronald Naranjo, the former Nr. 3 of Eaconomy published a video about his experience with Eaconomy and founder / CEO Hassan Mahmoud.
Ronald Naranjo stated according to the video:

“I’m going to tell you the story of Eaconomy with balloons so that everyone understands what really happened. After the event we had in Medellín we get up in the morning and we had our back offices blocked and our virtual offices blocked.
And yes they don’t pay commissions And how do I know that they don’t pay us commissions Well, because I I was one of the first affected by all this that happened after all.
I’m going to tell you the truth and to give you a little more context in April of the year past that is 2023 I was in Cancun at the ower owner’s house where we were doing the negotiation.
He had the third position in the company. So I know what was happening in the downline and now I’m going to tell you about it. Let everyone be clear and don’t eat Chinese tales of what