Tag Archive for E-Roadmap Corporation

Total Life Changes IBOs Empower Disadvantaged Youth

Independent Business Owner, Veleké Brown takes Total Life Changes to an entirely new level of empathy and love to foster the mental, physical and spiritual growth of today’s youth. She is the founder and CEO of E-Roadmap Corporation, a nonprofit organization devoted to the enrichment and empowerment of young minds to ensure the building blocks of a sustainable future.
In 2008, a vision emerged of starting a Nonprofit business to teach middle and high school students entrepreneurship, financial literacy, life skills, personal development, etiquette, trauma, social and emotional coping skills and much more.
ERM is very passionate about teaching the value of being an independent business owner. “When we see young adults graduating from college, going into their first job and expecting a pipe dream (high salary, great benefits and job security) only to be disappointed…it is heartbreaking.
Jim Rohn, a world-renowned motivational speaker says, “If only they had taught Wealth 101, I would have taken that in school.”  Now is the perfect time to start changing the mindset of our youth and we are well on our way, says Founder and CEO of E-Roadmap, Veleké Brown.
E-Roadmap Corporation believes that sustainable economic growth requires entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs create new jobs, contribute to economic expansion,