Tag Archive for Doug Devos

Amway President Doug DeVos Named Chairman of the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations

The World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA), a global trade organization representing more than 60 national direct selling associations, today announced Amway President Doug DeVos will serve as the organization’s chairman through October 2017.
DeVos assumes the role of chairman from Alessandro Carlucci, former CEO of Natura.   

“Today, more than ever, people want more independence and the freedom to set their own goals. They want meaningful work that adds value to their lives and to their communities. This translates into tremendous opportunity for the direct selling industry,” said DeVos. “Alessandro Carlucci has demonstrated strong leadership in promoting these ideas and encouraging entrepreneurship around the world. I look forward to continuing his legacy so that even more people can look at direct selling as a way to make their life better while also helping to improve the lives of those around them.”

Previously DeVos was the organization’s treasurer and a member of the WFDSA Operating Group of the CEO Council.  He is former chairman of the U.S. Direct Selling Association and the Direct Selling Education Foundation, in addition to other leadership roles with both organizations.  DeVos has been inducted into the U.S. Direct Selling Association Hall of Fame and recognized with the Direct Selling Education Foundation’s Circle


Amway Opens New Experience Center In China

Amway Corp, the world’s largest direct selling company, on Friday opened its first experiencecenter in Shanghai as part of its efforts to further expand its presence in China.
The company said the new center will play a big role in upgrading its image, branding andprovide more transparency and understanding in connecting with customers.
The center, located in the central business district of Shanghai and covering 7,500 squaremeters, was designed by architects from South Korea. It features high-tech and green-styleimmersion experiences of various business units of Amway.
The retailer plans to set up a similar center in Shenzhen in South China’s Guangdongprovince later this year and another one in Beijing next year. More centers could be opened inother big cities to upgrade the company’s traditional shops that mostly offer transactions withdistributors.
The next generation of Amway shops will be upgraded to serve as the branding, culture andcommunication unit of the company, it said.
Doug DeVos, president of Amway, who is slated to take over as the new president of theWorld Federation of Direct Selling Association next month, said his main agenda will be tomake the direct selling business more transparent and widespread.
About 50 direct selling companies have got licenses to conduct businesses in China andthere are growing expectations that they would soon be connected through an industryassociation.

He said the global direct selling industry has been growing steadily. “Our efforts would be topromote the industry, build transparency and make everybody understand the direct sellingbusiness,” said Devos.

Though direct selling is in essence a simple business, there are still lots ofmisunderstandings, said Devos, adding that companies must simplify their messaging andenhance innovation and creativity to further improve the quality of their products andcustomer experiences, especially in markets where direct selling is relatively new.
The Michigan, US-based company posted sales of about $11.8 billion last year.