Tag Archive for Donald Trump

Donald Trump Made Millions In Network Marketing

The Wall Street Journal wrote an article called Donald Trump made Millions in Network Marketing: Over the past decade, Donald Trump has earned millions of dollars for extolling ACN Inc., a multilevel marketing firm that has weathered regulatory investigations in three countries. 
Mr. Trump not only endorsed ACN, he twice featured the company on his former reality TV show, “The Celebrity Apprentice.” Both episodes featured teams of entertainment figures competing to promote versions of a video phone sold by the North Carolina firm.

“I think the ACN video phone is amazing,” Mr. Trump said in an ACN news release just before a two-hour, prime time Sunday night Celebrity Apprentice episode on the product in 2011. “I simply can’t imagine anybody using this phone and not loving it.”

Even before the show aired, the ACN video phone was in


Hall Of Fame MLM Celebrities – How To Handle The Pyramid Myth Objection

These are the celebrities, spokesmen and women, famous supporters and endorsers of the Direct Selling – Network Marketing – MLM Industry.
These are the individuals who believe in the products and the Business Model – celebrities who approve and encourage the MLM, Network Marketing and Direct Selling industry. They speak at events and conventions. They are associated with pride.
They are very successful individuals who do not understand why some people have ‘pyramid objections’. Investors such as; Warren Buffett (Pampered Chef), billionaires like Carl Icahn, George Soros and William Stiritz who invested hundreds of millions (Herbalife), and Vincent Tan (Epic, Ecosway).
Former President of the United States Bill Clinton who has thanked the Direct Selling industry in a speech, Dr. Memhet Oz (USANA, Vemma), Donald Trump (ACN) and Madeleine Albright (Amway), who have been keynote speakers at conventions and many more.
Just about any product or service can be purchased through direct selling somewhere in the world.
Many people think of cosmetics, wellness products and home décor as products that are often sold through direct sales, but add to that countless other product categories including kitchen products, jewelry, clothing, organic gardening supplies, spa products, scrapbooking supplies, rubber stamps and much, much more.
President Clinton making remarks for