Tag Archive for Donald Trump

How Amway Avoid Taxes Through The Netherlands

According to Dutch business magazine quotenet.nl: (google translate)
“Controversially, it is easy said the appointment of Betsy DeVos Minister of Education in the US. DeVos has no teaching experience and is so heavy that it argues against Christian public education. And also notable: the company of her husband escapes taxation through Venlo (Netherlands).
Dick DeVos, husband of Betsy DeVos, with his family co-owner of the global Amway, a cosmetics distributor (pyramid fund said critics in the past). With that tax dodging the DeVos family fits so well with the Trump family. But where the latter being no trace is found in the Dutch Trade Register, we will Amway or against a trio of holding companies headquartered in Venlo.
There is the remarkable Amway Asia Pacific Holding. Thus resides in Limburg (Netherlands), and also provides an