Tag Archive for distributor

Eric Worre Speaks Out About Fake News

Eric Worre – An Open Letter To The Network Marketing Profession

I’ve been involved in the Network Marketing Profession, in various capacities since 1988. In 2009, I began providing training and support to the entire Network Marketing Profession in a generic way through my company Network Marketing Pro.
It soon became apparent, in order to deliver as much value as possible, that I needed to maintain a neutral position. Neutral might mean different things to different people. I am well aware that virtually all of the generic trainers in years past have at some point come out of retirement and wreaked havoc in the Profession so companies and leaders were understandably worried.
To me, neutral means that I will never be involved in a company as a Distributor, Employee, Owner or Shareholder. That commitment is for life. And I’ve provided it in writing to many different companies since then.
The services that myself and the Network Marketing Pro team provide to the Profession include:
Free training offered online:

Over 2,000 free training videos to date offered on various platforms.
Free Go Pro with Eric Worre podcast with over 1.1 million subscribers.
Free online content is currently viewed by more than 5 million people each week in more than


Isagenix Man Loses Close To 300 Pounds

People respond in big ways when they hear the number 276, especially when it’s associated with weight loss.
Michael Thorn, 43, is one of those rare individuals who can say they have lost more than half their body weight.
Two years ago, Thorn weighed 505 pounds.
Looking back, he said faith, a plan and accountability to a coach saved his life and made him the person he is today.

“A lot of times, people that are 505 pounds, they think that it is impossible,” Thorn said. “I am proof that it can happen.”

Thorn is a celebrity in the Isagenix community.
He was the winner in the weight loss solution category of the company’s IsaBody Challenge a year ago and was invited to be on stage at a national convention in Las Vegas, Nevada where he showed off his former belt and clothing.
While on stage, Thorn talks about losing more than 100 pounds in 11 weeks.
Thorn said the products and the close-knit support community of those who market and sell them made the difference in his life.

“I was supposed to die in December of 2012 anyway,” Thorn said, pointing to the 12 medications he needed at the time. He also had struggled with prostrate cancer.

He said