Tag Archive for Deutschland

iGenius Women’s Gala In Germany

On July 29th, 2022 top iGenius female leaders hosted an unforgettable iGenius Women’s Gala in Stuttgart, Germany.
During the event hundreds of women gathered together and were empowered by special guest speakers and an open panel event focusing on rising stars, leaders, and the power of iGenius.
Anna Mayr, one of the hosts said,
“When I started with iGenius three years ago, it was very apparent that the majority of the iGenius community was dominantly male.
I always had a vision in mind to create a powerful women’s movement, not because I like women more than men, but because I wanted to show women how much potential they have to build a strong business.
This event was the biggest proof of how powerful women can be when they work and grow together.
Our mission is to show every woman that if she really wants to build up her own business and change her life, she can definitely do it and we will be there to help her.”

Leoni Mager, another woman who hosted the event said,
“One thing that is very special about women is that they have a lot of energy! When they learn to unite their energy and lead their energy in the right


Wolfgang Balters – CEO Filabé Interview (in German)

Filabé of Switzerland ist im Kosmetikbereich aktiv und nach eigenen Angaben im Besitz einer weltweit patentierten Technologie, welche erstmalig die Wirkstoffe direkt und ohne Zusatzstoffe in die Haut einbringen kann.
Dafür wirbt das Unternehmen mit dem Slogan “Bis weit über 100-Mal höhere Wirkstoffkonzentration als in herkömmlicher Pflege. Markus Lehmann ist, CEO & Eigentümer-  Filabé of Switzerland, und Wolfgang Balters – CEO Filabé Germany.
Nachdem in der Schweiz innerhalb von nur 12 Monaten rund 15.000 Kunden aufgebaut wurden und die Produkte auch über Dermatologen und Apotheken vertrieben werden, startet das seit 4 Jahren bestehende Unternehmen jetzt auch außerhalb der Schweiz und setzt seit Februar 2015 auf den Direktvertrieb (Uni-Level).
Filabé bereitet derzeit die Expansion in neue Märkte vor und wird dafür die Hebelwirkung des Network Marketings nutzen. Die Produkte sind bereits in der EU zugelassen.


Preiscoin Opens In Germany and Austria

Swiss based Direct Selling company Preiscoin expands into German speaking markets with its website available in this language, starting today.
The company’s main marketing page has been just launched in the German language.
Preiscoin Group AG offers the Preiscoin (PRS), an alternative digital currency based on the Bitcoin protocol. The only thing you need to start using Preiscoin is a mobile phone or any other device with internet access. All transfers are between users without a middleman. To send money you require only the recipient’s wallet number, much like a secured Bitcoin transfer.
All PRS transactions are instantaneous and work worldwide. Received funds will appear in your digital wallet immediately without the need to wait for inter-bank sessions, saving time and effort.
Preiscoin operates also an affiliate program using a Forced Matrix compensation structure for affiliates