Tag Archive for david sandoval

Purium CEO’s Top 3 Lessons

Business Insider features David Sandoval, the founder and CEO of Purium Health Products in an article about the lessons he learnt from being homeless to becoming a millionaire.
When Dave Sandoval was 17 years old he decided to move out.
“I couldn’t live in a house without food anymore,” he tells Business Insider. “I made myself homeless. I walked away, and it was a better life than the one I had.”
Sandoval, now 53, has mostly good memories from his year as a vagabond — like sleeping on the beach and being the first person to catch a wave in the morning, or pretending to be drunk at parties so the hosts would offer him their couch for the night. “When you’re that young, you’re used to acting defiant,” Sandoval says. “And making myself