Tag Archive for Dave Jordan

John Haremza Achieves Royal Diamond Rank With Valentus

According to a Valentus Press Release:
Valentus had its Optimum Advantage Conference at the Vancouver Wall Centre.
CEO Dave Jordan opened with a theme that then echoed through out the conference
“Valentus is growing, orders are flowing”. 
This theme was perfect, and it reflected the amazing growth we have seen this past summer.
Despite the normal summer doldrums that impact every network marketing company, Valentus saw a summer of growth with higher volumes and new Diamonds every month.
A top Independent Rep, John Haremza, became the companies first Royal Diamond and he believes that this growth will continue and that 2019 will be the best year ever.
John stated:
I am impressed with the number of new people there, there was a feeling that the energy, the vibe, the feeling, the excitement was better and stronger than ever.
Valentus knows how important recognition is and they announced new pins to reflect the earnings of its leaders.
CEO and Founder Dave Jordan handed out pins to individuals who have seen earnings of $50,000, $100,000, $250,000, $500,000 and $1,000,000. It was amazing to see the money earned in a relatively small company and I can see incredible growth ahead.
Dave gave out more than 75 awards to Independent Reps including Independ Rep of


Valentus Celebrate Four-year Anniversary

Congratulations to Dave and Joyce Jordan on Valentus just passing their four-year anniversary.
With an expanding product line the future never looked brighter.  Dave Jordan founded Valentus after an incredible and successful track record in both network marketing and traditional business.
Dave and Joyce Jordan’s objective in founding Valentus was very clear,
“They wanted a network marketing company where the distributor was king.” 
Now after four years, including the inevitable ups and downs of a new, start-up company Valentus is thriving and its better and stronger than ever.  You can tell a lot about a company when it faces challenges and Valentus has shown tremendous resilience as it moved through challenging times.
Now Dave believes Valentus will do more in the next 2 years than since he founded it four years ago.
The June introduction of Optimum Weight Loss Coffee has been an outstanding success with amazing weight loss testimonials on social media every day and every conference call.
This product looks to be not only the best weight loss coffee on the market but maybe the best weight loss product ever.
About Valentus
In Latin, the word “Valentus” means “prevail,” defined as proving to be superior in strength, power, and influence. Recognizing that, we couldn’t have picked a


John Haremza – Valentus Is Stronger Than Ever

I just came back from the ANMP convention ( Association Of Network Marketing Professionals) in Dallas, Texas, USA and as always it was exciting to see so many very enthusiastic network marketers.  As usual the speakers and the panels were outstanding.
One of the people I talked to was John Haremza.  Just as an aside, his talk on Mindset was a crowd favorite.
 I asked how he was enjoying the event. 
In his opinion he believes the annual AMNP is one of the best, if not the best generic event in industry.
John was excited about meeting with his first mentor, who stopped John and complimented him on his talk (ironically it was a lot of Jeff’s content from so many hears ago).
“Jeff was my trainer from almost 30 years ago” and recently highlighted on my site as one of the most most successful network marketing leaders ever.
To John spending an hour with Jeff Roberti was his highlight of the event.  As John said, “He is a genuine and kind person.  It was for me a star struck moment.  This is the man who I have always emulated and quoted, the person who got me started right”.
Jeff Roberti and John Haremza in Dallas
John used his


Valentus Launches SlimROAST Optimum Coffee

According to a Valentus press release:
Valentus is delighted to bring you an update on the exciting things happening in 2018.
First 2018 was kicked off with their very delicious Cocoa, this was followed by the Keto Creamer, then a travel tour by Dave Jordan and John Haremza that covered 6 major cities and 6 Regional events. On top of the overwhelming success of Valentus they are expanding their info structure with new IT, a new website, a new ap and now customer service by phone plus on-line.
The 2018 National Conference, Sept 13,14,15 at the beautiful Sheraton Wall Centre-Vancouver BC Canada, is expected to pack the room. This site brings a touch of nostalgia in that it is the site of the first Valentus Conference. And now Valentus expects to take the second half of 2018 by storm with the introduction of a great tasting, weight loss coffee.
The new coffee “SlimROAST Optimum Coffee” has testimonies that read like a newspaper headline and even a website of its own.
It’s no secret that losing weight is no easy task, which is why millions of people struggle with their weight every day. We want to make it a whole lot easier. That’s why we created SlimROAST Optimum Dark


Valentus Is Growing Fast

Valentus sales were $3 million in 2015 and $32 Million in 2016. Based on the first 6 months of 2017, the company is on track to more than double that number to $60+ Million.
According to a Valentus press release:
Dave Jordan, Valentus CEO and Founder, and Blue Diamond John Haremza took the song seriously and they’re “Hitting the Road.”
They are visiting 7 cities in 7 days across North America with the good news that Valentus is thriving and on track to set new records in 2017!
Valentus’ latest product, PrevailMAX™, is making a tremendous impact in the marketplace with thousands of consumers providing incredible testimonies! This includes some interesting side effects for many men (of course we can’t be explicit or make any medical statements, but there could be a wave of babies named Max in 2018! Lol)
The Valentus “Not for Resale” eCommerce business model continues to expand across the globe with more and more people enjoying the product through Valentus’ on-line store across international borders.
Valentus opened the Philippines with an on-the-ground operation in June 2017, and we expect several countries in Europe to be fully registered and operational by the end of 2017.
Valentus officially kicks off the Fall Growth Season (known


Valentus Sales Up From $3 Million In 2015 To $32 Million In 2016

John Haremza, Blue Diamond with Valentus, and author of “Right or Almost Right”, called to give me a quick update on the 2nd annual Valentus conference in Toronto March 31, April 1, which was attended by 1,200 people.
Valentus is on fire and breaking records.  The company was started July 14, 2014 and did $300,000 that year.
Sales $3,000,000 in 2015 and $32,000,000 in 2016. Based on the first 3 months of this year, it is on track to more than double that number to $60+ Million.
The company recognized 9 new first time $100,000 earners. They recognized Ted Wilson, Blue Diamond as the first $1,000,000 earner plus his invaluable contribution to the growth of the company.  Don and Nancy Carson, Blue Diamonds were recognized as Independent Representative’s of the year.
John did mention


Top Leader John Haremza Achieves Success With Valentus

John Haremza – 26 year veteran with lifetime earnings of 15 million joined Valentus this year, an AA+ classified company by Business For Home.
John is author of “Right or Almost Right”. 
It addresses so many of the concerns that we face as networkers. It is a must read. But when I spoke to John last week I wanted to ask him about the Valentus leadership event he had just gotten back from. It was the first Emerald Conference for Valentus and he was ecstatic.
As John described it Valentus had its first conference in April in Vancouver with close to 600 in attendance. This October in Palm Springs was for Emeralds and above, the first level of leadership in Valentus, and had 600 in attendance.
From Oct 2015 to October 2016 Valentus has gone from


Top Leader John Haremza Joins Valentus

John Haremza – 26 year veteran with lifetime earnings of 15 million joined Valentus an AA+ classified company by Business For Home.
I had a interesting conversation with John Haremza who has been a master distributor for the past 12 years.
His first comment was gratitude for the vision and opportunity from which he was able to earn over $10 million. As John says, “I just loved the distributors and was able to lead my teams to sales in excess of $400,000,000”.
I was astounded when John told me that he had left behind a residual income averaging $42,000 a month.  It certainly takes courage and belief in where you are going to take a risk like this. I asked John what led him to leave an incredible income to essentially start all over