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Your Inspiration At Home Wins 92 Gourmet Medals

Your Inspiration At Home continued its winning streak in international food competitions by collecting another round of prestigious gourmet food awards, further adding to the company’s growing list of honors.
Your Inspiration At Home was recently presented with three Champion & Reserve Champion Awards at the recent 2015 Royal Agriculture Society of Tasmania Fine Food Awards. The prestigious gourmet food awards in Australia judged Your Inspiration At Home’s Pumpkin Fiesta-Taste of Mexico as the overall Herb & Spice Category Champion.  A total of 92 Fine Food Medals were awarded to Your Inspiration At Home. 
These latest awards follow three medals recently presented at the 2015 Royal Melbourne Fine Food Awards, also in Australia.
Your Inspiration At Home is a member of the CVSL Inc. family of direct-to-consumer companies. 
Since 2011, Your Inspiration At Home has been honored with 370 Fine Food Awards, including a