Tag Archive for Compliance

You Could Pay Millions in Fines for Not Adhering to New Compliance Regulations That Take Effect This Year. Here Are 6 Strategies to Keep Yourself in Check.

New or evolving rules and regulations are a fact of corporate life. How employees embrace these new rules — and associated education and training processes — can make a big difference to organizational performance as well as the financial bottom line.


Mannatech Offers Insight On Legal And Compliance Environment At Direct Selling Legal Summit

Mannatech, Incorporated (NASDAQ: MTEX), a global health and wellness company committed to transforming lives to make a better world, had its CEO and President, Alfredo “Al” Bala, and General Counsel, Erin Barta, share their expertise in building a robust legal and compliance program that serves as a model for the direct sales industry during a keynote presentation at this week’s Direct Selling Legal and Compliance Summit in Dallas, Texas.
The Direct Selling Legal and Compliance Summit is a gathering of industry executives and leaders who are seeking the best practices to reduce their risk, grow and protect their companies and navigate an ever changing regulatory landscape facing the direct sales industry. Along with delivering a keynote presentation Bala served as master of ceremonies for the two-day event.
Bala and Barta’s keynote presentation was titled


OneCoin Adds Shariah Compliance

Islamic finance is one of the fastest-growing financial areas, and in order to improve its services for OneCoin users in countries with Shariah Law, the company has implemented changes to the Coinsafe option, which will now allow people from those countries to use it without overstepping the boundaries of Shariah Law.
According to Shariah Law, money is simply a medium of exchange.
Each unit is equal in value to another unit of the same denomination and you are not allowed to make a profit by exchanging cash with another person.
Therefore, the system does not allow you to benefit from lending money or receiving money from someone, i.e. receive interest.
To comply with these rules, OneCoin has made changes to its Coinsafe option, which would usually generate interest.
The IFCC (Islamic Finance and CryptoCurrency) leadership summit attracted some of the


Mannatech Creates New Business Ethics Department

As part of Mannatech’s – a Triple AAA+ Rated opportunity by Business For Home –  new brand, the company’s new Legal and Business Ethics Department has been created to partner with Associates to support the company’s commitment to a culture of compliance.
This change highlights the company’s dedication and commitment to maintaining ethical operating procedures and business practices for its Associates, customers and employees around the world.
The new department is composed of legal and compliance staff who are committed to supporting Associates in their quest to build their business in a safe, compliant environment where they can achieve long-term success. The staff represents Associates in all of the 25 countries in which Mannatech operates.

“Mannatech is setting the standard for compliance in the direct sales industry because we are dedicated to creating long-term


Is Your Company FTC Bullet Proof?

They come in without a warning. Monday your company is in business and by Tuesday morning the FTC (Federal Trade Commission, an US based organization) seizes the company assets and closes down the business while sending an email out to your wordwide customer database with one push of a button;
“After the Federal Trade Commission filed a complaint against the company, the U.S. District Court issued a Temporary Restaining Order, a temporary receiver (a court appointed lawyer) will takes over control.”
– It’s a head-shot wound — maybe fatal, maybe the accused will survive, crippled at least..
Why? Because your company is in the Direct Selling Industry and therefore gets special attention by many regulators worldwide. One of the challenges in the Network Marketing / Multi Level Marketing industry is the Retail Sales versus Distributor Sales, internal consumption, what


FTC – Receiver Email To The Vemma Database – An Abuse Of Government Power?

Whatever happened in the USA with “innocent till proven guilty?”
When the Vemma receiver (the court appointed lawyer) sends out a copy of the FTC lawsuit to hundred thousands of active customers and affiliates around the world, 12 years of the company networking efforts gets blown up with ONE push of the send button. All this before Vemma gets to stand in front of a judge.
Below email was send out in the name of Vemma Corporate, which confused many people, thinking BK Boreyko and the corporate team has done so.
Unbelievable an USA government agency can come into your office, and send a massive email out on your behalf, around the world, without telling customers, not Vemma is doing so, but the FTC – receiver. I call this abuse of government power. I am