Tag Archive for Company Shut Down

Lia Sophia Creating Problems As Company Shuts Down

Earlier this month, Lia Sophia abruptly announced that they would be closing their doors. Up until that moment they had been signing individuals up to be distributors. We were one of the first to break the story about the Lia Sophia announcement.
Since the announcement Lia Sophia has posted all of their items at clearance rates. Unfortunately, customers are fuming. The Lia Sophia page is riddled with angry customers who have waited past the quoted shipping time. Customer service is practically non-existant as no phone calls are being answered or returned, emails are going ignored, and a large percentage of customers are still waiting on Christmas orders placed three weeks ago, even though tomorrow is Christmas eve. 
The closure and post handling of the companies collapse is, unfortunately, leaving a bad taste in the mouths of individuals for an industry that’s already under a lot of scrutiny. There’s very little accountability in said events, leaving customers and distributors very little control over the outcome of their own business. 
Messages to Lia Sophia for a statement have also been ignored by this publication. Posts on their Facebook advertise discounted items and have a ‘cheery’ tone, but comments under the posts sing a different tune. 
