Tag Archive for College Campuses

Where The FTC Went Right — And Where It Went Wrong

If Amway could make it out of the problems they had and come out the strongest network marketing company in the world, there’s a strong chance that Vemma can make it out of this as well — and probably better for it. 
Whether you agree with the FTC or not about their reasons, it’s still an organization Americans need to understand and respect if they want to stay off the FTC radar. 
The recent allegations against Vemma by the FTC are strong, to say the least. But what isn’t strong, is network marketing’s response to it. True to fashion, the response has been a retalliation against the allegations, disregarding the accusations. It is doubtful that most network marketers have read the details of the report. 
In a nutshell, Vemma is in trouble because some time