Tag Archive for Clayton Thomas

Root Wellness Accused Of Fraud By Top Network Marketing Professionals

Root Wellness stated in their company profile:
“At ROOT, our goal is to create products that honestly improve your life on a daily basis. We know that when you love something, it’s only natural to share it with people you care about.
Part of living a healthy life also includes having a healthy bank account. That’s why we’ve created a revolutionary community sharing model that allows you to reap the rewards of ROOT, from a wellness perspective, and financially.
The great part is, you don’t have to jump through any tricky sales hoops to do it.”
Seems that is not the case:
A Top Network Marketing professional *, in good standing stated and accuses the company and founder Clayton Thomas as follow:
1.Investment funds in return of company ownership. We were promised company ownership when we invest money which we did but we got fraudulent operating agreement and never got any certificate of company ownership or anything.
Until today, the money was gone and nothing was received in return. No ownership, no company reports as every owner should have etc., nothing.
They simply took this money and they keep working forward like nothing happened.
My investment amount was ten of thousands but I also do know another few investors