Tag Archive for Christoffer Wulff-Pedersen

Top Norwegian Leader Christoffer Wulff-Pedersen Joins BE

Christoffer Wulff-Pedersen from Norway, started his journey before BE as a Sales Director at 22 years old.
Climbing up the corporate ladder of one of the biggest tire companies in Norway. But exchanging 12-14 hours a day for money and not being able to spend time with family is the complete opposite of what Christoffer wanted in life.
In 2010, his father introduced him to a networking company. It is here where, with the help of his father, who became his sponsor and upline, he began a long journey with this company. He very quickly committed to full-time with the company in 2011.
After 12 years of being part of that company, he felt stuck. The fun factor had already gone, and for 3.5 years, he continued working where his father was. Being close friends with the founders, he found it difficult to leave his comfort zone.
“It took me time to have the guts to admit to myself that I wanted a change in my life before I finally managed to take the final decision to leave the company,” Wulff-Pedersen wistfully recalled.
After leaving his previous company, Christoffer found BE. After being exposed to the company, he found,
“It had all the aspects I was