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Origami Owl Co-Founder Chrissy Weems Named CEO

In 2010, Chrissy and her then 14-year-old daughter, Bella Weems-Lambert, started the company as a way for Bella to buy a car once she turned 16. It has since become a global social selling company with over 45,000 independent business entrepreneurs, referred to as Designers.
In the new leadership position, Chrissy has big plans to lead with heart, while continuing to live the mission of Origami Owl: to love, inspire and motivate people of all ages to reach their dreams and empower them to make a difference in the lives of others.
“I’m committed to getting back to the basics of what made this company so successful—people first, creating a ripple effect of good, leading with intention, connecting people in meaningful ways,” Chrissy said. “In addition, we believe the youth are our future, and we are committed to giving them the tools they need to be successful.”
She said that the Origami Owl Owlette Program, which holds a special place in Bella’s heart, will move to the forefront once again. This program provides a unique opportunity for youth, ages 11–17, to work alongside their parent who is an Origami Owl Designer.
Bella leads the Origami Owl youth leadership program, which inspires girls to be