Tag Archive for Chi Nguyen

Chi Nguyen Achieves Double Diamond Rank With Valentus

Dr. Chi Nguyen has achieved the Double Diamond Rank At Valentus. This is what he had to say upon hie achievement:
When the dust cleared at the end of the Vietnam War in April 1975, my family found ourselves citizens of a country that no longer existed. As we stepped foot on American soil at Camp Pendleton in San Diego, we knew we had to begin our lives over.
My parents began living a future more complex than they could ever imagine.
For the next 28 years, my parents worked tremendously hard mentally and physically to support their five children. Having seen and experienced hardship, I knew I had to work hard to succeed. My passion to help others paved my way into the field of medicine.
Besides helping people medically, I wanted to financially help those with hardships.
12 years ago, my wife and I learned about network marketing through a friend. We saw the potential of this industry as a business option driven by effective products.  Timing and positioning are keys that open the door to any opportunity. We felt this to be the perfect time to position ourselves with a great opportunity to help our parents, family, and others.
We understood that network marketing