Tag Archive for Chairman 50 Rank

Richard Buettner Achieves Chairman 50 Rank At iMarketsLive

Richard Buettner has achieved the top rank of Chairman 50 At iMarketsLive.
When asked Richard commented as follow:
“My business is about helping and inspiring people to make that switch from employee or small business owner to entrepreneur and investor by using today’s technology.
From being jobless living in a village sleeping at my mum’s place and over $5,000 in debt just 2 years ago, I made a decision to design my life and from that point on I never looked back.
 I had no special skillset, was shy, didn’t graduate high school, no college degree and knew nobody making more than $100,000 a year personally.
Once I took that leap of faith….. I’ve been blessed to travel the world, visit 20+ countries and help 10,000s of people build an business using nothing more than their smartphone.
Inspiring over 100,000 people and people that were like celebrities to me now are good friends, business partners and personal mentors. Celebreties, professional athletes, artists, influencers.”
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