Tag Archive for Chairman 50

Richard Buettner Achieves Chairman 50 Rank At iMarketsLive

Richard Buettner from Germany, 23 years young, has achieved one of the top ranks – Chairman 50 – within the iMarketsLive compensation plan.
Richard stated upon his rank advancement:
“I’ve been with IML for the last 6 months and after 3 years in this amazing industry I can surely say that this is one of the most powerful opportunities out there.
Chris Terry is a great CEO and mentor who treats you like family from the day he meets you.
The products & services, corporate & field leadership and unmatched passion, integrity and transparency will make this the next billion dollar brand and I’m grateful to be apart of this before we hit $20million in monthly sales.
This rank advancement is just a testimonial to the greatness of this company changing thousands of lives and the hard work & dedication of my phenomenal team.
Additionally to almost 10 six figure earners that we were able to create in those 6 months we had hundreds of people create a part time to full time income just from the trading / product side.
This is literally the only legit opportunity I know where you can achieve freedom without selling or recruiting.”
“Everything rises and falls on leadership, but knowing how to