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Eric Worre To Host Groundbreaking CEO Summit

On Wednesday, November 29, 2023, Eric Worre will host a pivotal CEO Summit at the state-of-the-art Worre Studios in Las Vegas, Nevada. This exclusive event will welcome members from the executive teams of more than 70 leading companies within the Network Marketing profession, representing a combined annual income exceeding $40 billion.
The summit is set to be a landmark gathering in the profession, featuring in-depth discussions and strategic sessions led by none other than Eric Worre, best-selling author of Go Pro – 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional and renowned Network Marketing trainer and mentor. Attendees will receive insights on global Network Marketing trends, innovative product developments, and global business best practices. A key focus will be on innovation and the sharing of successful strategies from the field.
In anticipation of the summit, Worre expressed his views on the current landscape and future of Network Marketing,

“Now is one of the most interesting times in Network Marketing history. The next two years are going present incredible opportunities for companies and leaders who are properly prepared … but be potentially disastrous for those that are not. Now is the time for all of us to come together to share what’s working and