Tag Archive for ByDzyne

ByDzyne Welcomes Industry Leaders Dave and Yvette Ulloa

Not even two months into the New Year and ByDzyne, a company already renowned for its seismic ripples in the network marketing universe, has today announced its most earth-shattering tremor in 2023 with the arrival of industry superstars Dave and Yvette Ulloa. 
Dave and Yvette, who boasts almost 40 combined years of invaluable experience in the direct selling sector, are lauded worldwide for their leadership approach, business strategies, and their innate ability to connect with people. 
Their list of accomplishments is breathtaking—they’ve been named top income producers/earners in previous companies on multiple occasions, they once helped launch and grow their business to just over three billion dollars in collective sales and revenue, and they’ve spanned the globe by constructing an organization that consisted of 135,000 people from over 30 countries. 
The entrepreneurs, originally from New York but who now reside in Vero Beach, Florida, have also trained thousands at international speaking engagements, dawned the cover of national entrepreneurial publications, and have collaborated with some of the world’s most acclaimed mentors and authors including Tony Robbins, John Assaraf, and Zig Ziglar.      
Simply put, the couple has done it all. And with ByDzyne as Dave and Yvette’s next and quite arguably their most promising chapter yet,


ByDzyne da la bienvenida a los líderes del sector Dave e Yvette Ulloa

No han pasado ni dos meses desde el comienzo del nuevo año y ByDzyne, una empresa ya conocida por sus ondas sísmicas en el universo de las redes de mercadeo, ha anunciado hoy su temblor más estremecedor en 2023 con la llegada de las superestrellas del sector Dave e Yvette Ulloa. 
Dave e Yvette, que cuentan con casi 40 años combinados de inestimable experiencia en el sector de venta directa, son alabados en todo el mundo por su enfoque de liderazgo, sus estrategias empresariales y su capacidad innata para conectar con la gente. 
Su lista de logros es impresionante: han sido nombrados máximos productores y generadores de ingresos en empresas anteriores en múltiples ocasiones, una vez ayudaron a lanzar y hacer crecer su negocio más de tres mil millones de dólares en ventas e ingresos colectivos, y se han extendido por todo el mundo construyendo una organización formada por 135.000 personas de más de 30 países. 
Los empresarios, originarios de Nueva York pero que ahora residen en Vero Beach, Florida, también han formado a miles de personas en conferencias internacionales, han aparecido en la portada de publicaciones empresariales nacionales y han colaborado con algunos de los mentores y autores más aclamados del mundo,


ByDzyne’s Sebastian Fernandez from Colombia Achieves 1-Star President

South America continues to be the epicenter of ByDzyne’s rising stars, and this month the company is unveiling Sebastian Fernandez, its latest 1-Star President from Colombia.  
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span. 
Sebastian, a 29-year-old Latin American leader with almost a decade of multi-level marketing experience, went from student to networker in a flash in the early 2010s because he saw the opportunity to inspire and positively impact the lives of thousands.
It’s also the primary reason his eyes lit up when he was introduced to ByDzyne; the prospect for success just seemed limitless. 
“It was all about the ‘Power of Choice.’ For the past few years, I’ve been in a wellness company that limited my business options, including the expansion of my team.
ByDzyne broke those limits. And on top of that, ByDzyne has gifted my team and me the opportunity to travel with the amazing BD Dream Vacations, the most elite travel experiences on any budget; you simply subscribe and redeem the stars you need to travel.
For those reasons, I am very grateful to the Executive team for giving me a home to deposit my leadership, and finally, a place where after many years


El colombiano Sebastián Fernández de ByDzyne alcanza la categoría de Presidente 1-Estrella

Sudamérica sigue siendo el epicentro de las estrellas emergentes de ByDzyne, y este mes la empresa presenta a Sebastián Fernández, su último Presidente 1-Estrella de Colombia.  
* Un Presidente genera más de 200.000 dólares en facturación durante un periodo de medio mes. 
Sebastián, un líder latinoamericano de 29 años con casi una década de experiencia en marketing multinivel, pasó de estudiante a networker en un abrir y cerrar de ojos a principios de 2010 porque vio la oportunidad de inspirar e impactar positivamente en la vida de miles de personas.
También es la razón principal por la que sus ojos se iluminaron cuando le presentaron ByDzyne; las perspectivas de éxito parecían ilimitadas. 
“Todo giraba en torno al ‘poder de elección’. Durante los últimos años, he estado en una empresa de bienestar que limitaba mis opciones de negocio, incluida la expansión de mi equipo.
ByDzyne rompió esos límites. Y además de eso, ByDzyne nos ha dado a mi equipo y a mí la oportunidad de viajar con las increíbles BD Dream Vacations, las experiencias de viaje más elitistas con cualquier presupuesto; simplemente te suscribes y canjeas las estrellas que necesitas para viajar.
Por esas razones, estoy muy agradecido al equipo ejecutivo por darme un


ByDzyne Appoints Industry Veteran Keith Halls as Chairman to the Advisory Board

In its latest colossal move of 2023, ByDzyne is loading up on its in-house armory yet again with the arrival and introduction of network marketing guru Keith Halls as the company’s newest Chairman to the Advisory Board.
Halls, a savvy industry legend, boasts almost 40 years of invaluable experience in multi-level marketing and has held the most prestigious positions in previous companies, both on the executive and distributor levels. He has also personally been responsible for generating over $100 million in annual sales on numerous occasions, and has been commended by Business for Home as an “Ambassador of Network Marketing Professionals.”
ByDzyne’s executive team is elated with its newest addition and is looking forward to seeing Halls in action and bringing them to even greater heights.  
“Welcome to ByDzyne and our team, Keith Halls! You are an industry legend and we are so fortunate to have your wisdom, expertise, and guidance as we lead ByDzyne into a promising 2023.
Our company and its people are so thrilled to have you on board, and we cannot wait to see how you will elevate ByDzyne to the next level. You are a dear friend and an amazing mind, and we are so fortunate,”
shared Chanida


ByDzyne nombra al veterano del sector Keith Halls, Presidente del Consejo Asesor

En su último movimiento colosal de 2023, ByDzyne vuelve a ampliar su arsenal interno con la llegada y presentación del gurú de las redes de mercadeo, Keith Halls como nuevo Presidente del Consejo Asesor de la empresa.
Halls, una leyenda del sector, cuenta con casi 40 años de valiosa experiencia en el marketing multinivel y ha ocupado los puestos más prestigiosos en empresas anteriores, tanto a nivel ejecutivo como de distribuidor.
También ha sido personalmente responsable de generar más de 100 millones de dólares en facturación anual en numerosas ocasiones, y ha sido elogiado por Business for Home como “Embajador de los Profesionales de redes de mercadeo”.
El equipo ejecutivo de ByDzyne está eufórico con su nueva incorporación y está deseando ver a Halls en acción y llevarlos a cotas aún mayores.  
“¡Bienvenido a ByDzyne y a nuestro equipo, Keith Halls! Eres una leyenda de la industria y somos muy afortunados de contar con tu sabiduría, experiencia y orientación mientras guiamos a ByDzyne hacia un prometedor 2023.
Nuestra empresa y su gente están encantados de tenerte a bordo, y no podemos esperar a ver cómo elevarás ByDzyne al siguiente nivel. Eres un amigo muy querido y una mente increíble, y somos muy afortunados”,


ByDzyne Kicks Off 2023 by Launching India and Appointing Industry Icon Sandip ‘Rana’ Halder as Managing Director

Beginning the New Year with a bang, ByDzyne is heading east yet again and with approval from the Direct Selling Law of India, a nationwide legal endorsement that confirms ByDzyne meets all the requirements and duties of a direct selling entity, the momentous company will officially break ground in the world’s second most populous country in the coming weeks. 
The South Asian country of India, recognized worldwide for its ancient history, exquisite landscapes, and uniquely diverse culture, will now be able to offer a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to its 1.3 billion people, and ByDzyne’s executive team could not be more ecstatic.
“We are thrilled beyond words to officially open up India in January 2023! We have dreamt of this since the very beginning of our expansion efforts, and our dreams have now been realized.
It brings us such joy that the wonderful Indian people will now have access to some exclusive products and an amazing opportunity. With that, our team is especially grateful for the legendary Sandip ‘Rana’ Halder, a local icon who has been the architect, brains, and tactician behind this entire project.
Without his friendship, loyalty, and ingenuity, none of this would have been possible. Our new Managing Director of India


ByDzyne’s José Andrés Yanchapaxi from Ecuador Achieves 1-Star President

As ByDzyne closes its 2022 chapter, it continues to dominate headlines in the South American region and this month is highlighting its newest 1-Star President from Ecuador, José Andrés Yanchapaxi. 
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span. 
José, a 28-year-old from Ecuador’s Andean foothills capital city, Quito, is a jack of all trades.
He’s played tennis his whole life, has a degree in environmental engineering management, and has almost five years under his belt in network marketing.
While he’s dabbed his feet in a few different arenas, the young leader is confident that he has found a diamond in the rough in ByDzyne. 
“It is a solid company. Excellent commission plan (the best around), great products and services, a serious corporate team, and above all else, a business that goes with today’s global digital trends.
I am super happy that I decided almost one year ago to start my adventure with ByDzyne.
It was the best decision I could have made in my entire network marketing career,”
conveyed an ecstatic José.
ByDzyne’s executive team loves stories like José’s—entrepreneurs who are hungry, teachable, and willing to fight for and actually reach their dreams. 
“Congratulations to our latest 1-Star President, José Andrés


José Andrés Yanchapaxi de ByDzyne, Ecuador, Presidente 1-Estrella

Mientras ByDzyne cierra su capítulo de 2022, continúa dominando los titulares en la región sudamericana y este mes destaca a su más reciente Presidente 1-Estrella de Ecuador, José Andrés Yanchapaxi. 
* Un Presidente genera más de 200.000 dólares en facturación durante un periodo de medio mes. 
José, un joven de 28 años de Quito, la capital andina de Ecuador, es un experto en todo.
Ha jugado al tenis toda su vida, es licenciado en gestión de ingeniería medioambiental y lleva casi cinco años dedicado a las redes de mercadeo.
Aunque se ha movido por diferentes campos, el joven líder confía en haber encontrado un diamante en bruto en ByDzyne. 
“Es una empresa sólida. Excelente plan de comisiones (el mejor que existe), grandes productos y servicios, un equipo corporativo serio y, por encima de todo, un negocio que va con las tendencias digitales globales de hoy en día.
Estoy súper contento de haber decidido hace casi un año empezar mi aventura con ByDzyne.
Ha sido la mejor decisión que podía haber tomado en toda mi carrera en las redes de mercadeo”,
transmite José extasiado.
Al equipo ejecutivo de ByDzyne le encantan las historias como la de José: emprendedores hambrientos, enseñables y dispuestos a luchar y


ByDzyne’s Vanessa Martin from Venezuela Achieves 2-Star President

Dedicated to formulating some of the industry’s most prominent leaders in South America, ByDzyne’s executive team continue to deliver and this week has new 2-Star President Vanessa Martin from Venezuela to showcase. 
*A 2-Star President generates over $400,000 USD of sales revenue in two weeks or less. 
Vanessa, a 38-year-old mother from the cultural and commercial center of the capital Caracas, Venezuela, is a former vascular technician who always wanted to be present and provide the very best for her family. When that desire became an almost insatiable yearning, however, she knew she needed to explore new opportunities.
After searching for months for that answer, in 2018 she soon found herself joyfully embedded in the world of multi-level marketing and hasn’t looked back. And now, not even a year ago, ByDzyne’s newest 2-Star President believes she has found the most ideal fit for her vision and goals.   
“I definitely chose ByDzyne because of the quality of leadership that exists here. I was in one of the highest ranks of another company, but I felt empty.
I realized that money is not everything, but rather personal growth and leadership are some of the most important factors.
Here at ByDzyne I was able to find