Tag Archive for ByDzyne

ByDzyne’s Melissa Martinez and Yesid Rico from Colombia Achieve 1-Star President

Already recognized as a manufacturer of some of the world’s up-and-coming entrepreneurs, ByDzyne is also becoming a hotspot for producing the newest rising dynamic duos, and this month recognizes its latest 1-Star Presidents from Colombia, Melissa Martinez and Yesid Rico.
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span. 
The married couple, who hail from the Colombian capital city of Bogotá, is new to the network marketing world.
While Melissa previously served for five years as a civil engineer for some local construction companies and Yesid labored as a policeman for over 12 years, they were always hungry for more success and distinctively a wider platform to help and serve others.
Then they were opportunely introduced to the direct sales world and ByDzyne, and they now both believe they have uncovered what they had been searching years for.  
“We chose ByDzyne for innovation, legality, development, and growth. ByDzyne is a company that stands out for its corporate team, vision, education, and training in personal development and leadership.
We feel very grateful to you, our executive team, for the effort of always giving us the best experience in our growth.
Without a doubt, we have chosen the best company and we


Melissa Martínez y Yesid Rico de ByDzyne, Colombia, logran ser Presidentes 1-Estrella

Ya reconocido como fabricante de algunos de los empresarios más prometedores del mundo, ByDzyne también se está convirtiendo en un punto de referencia para la producción de los dúos dinámicos emergentes más recientes, y este mes reconoce a sus últimos Presidentes 1-Estrella de Colombia, Melissa Martínez y Yesid Rico.
* Un Presidente genera más de 200.000 dólares en facturación durante un periodo de medio mes. 
El matrimonio, originario de Bogotá, la capital colombiana, es nuevo en el mundo de las redes de mercadeo.
Aunque Melissa trabajó durante cinco años como ingeniera civil para algunas empresas de construcción locales y Yesid trabajó como policía durante más de 12 años, siempre tuvieron hambre de más éxito y, sobre todo, de una plataforma más amplia para ayudar y servir a los demás.
Entonces conocieron oportunamente el mundo de la venta directa y a ByDzyne, y ahora ambos creen haber descubierto lo que llevaban años buscando.  
“Elegimos ByDzyne por su innovación, legalidad, desarrollo y crecimiento. ByDzyne es una empresa que destaca por su equipo corporativo, visión, educación y formación en desarrollo personal y liderazgo.
Nos sentimos muy agradecidos con ustedes, nuestro equipo directivo, por el esfuerzo de brindarnos siempre la mejor experiencia en nuestro crecimiento.
Sin duda,


ByDzyne celebra su 4º aniversario con el distinguido Premio Titan

ByDzyne culmina su cuarto año de creación sin precedentes llevándose a casa como aclamado Ganador de Categoría para el Logro del Año 2023, un prestigioso Premio Titan Bussiness, subrayando la excelencia de la compañía en crecimiento, expansión internacional e influencia global. 
Lo que comenzó en abril de 2019 para los cofundadores Nat y Chanida Puranaputra, Chad y Nattida Chong, y Sophia Wong como un sueño acumulativo para cambiar vidas y dejar un impacto duradero ha superado todas las expectativas, ya que la compañía ha florecido majestuosamente en un monstruo de las ventas directas.
Desde su lanzamiento inicial en Tailandia hasta la apertura de lucrativos mercados en América Latina y Asia en los últimos años, incluidos, entre otros, Colombia, Perú, Ecuador, Filipinas, Corea, Japón, Vietnam y Estados Unidos, con la expansión más reciente al país más poblado del mundo en la oportunista República de la India, ByDzyne se ha convertido en un fenómeno global.  
“Estamos muy contentos de celebrar nuestro cuarto año en ByDzyne. Desde el principio, imaginamos una empresa a la que la gente pudiera llamar hogar y con la que pudiera crear un futuro y un legado.
Y estamos muy orgullosos de saber que ese sueño se ha convertido en una hermosa


ByDzyne Celebrates 4th Anniversary With Distinguished Titan Award

ByDzyne is capping off its unprecedented fourth year of inception by bringing home a prestigious Titan Business Award as an acclaimed Category Winner for the 2023 Achievement of the Year, underscoring the company’s excellence in growth, international expansion, and global influence.
What began in April 2019 for cofounders Nat and Chanida Puranaputra, Chad and Nattida Chong, and Sophia Wong as a cumulative dream to change lives and leave a lasting impact has surpassed all expectations as the company has majestically blossomed into a direct sales juggernaut.
From an initial launch in Thailand to opening lucrative markets in Latin America and Asia in the past few years including but not limited to Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, the Philippines, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and the United States, with the most recent expansion into the most populous country in the world in the opportunistic Republic of India, ByDzyne has become a global phenomenon.
“We are so happy to be celebrating our fourth year here at ByDzyne! From the very beginning, we envisioned a company that people could call home and could create a future and legacy with.
And we are so proud to know that dream has become a beautiful reality! The credit, from the very beginning until


ByDzyne’s Dr. Kiran Jingade, India’s Master Distributor, Achieves President Rank Within First Cycle

Not even a month into the propitious launch of the Indian market, ByDzyne has unveiled its dynamic master distributor for the populous country with the arrival of local legend and new President, Dr. Kiran Jingade. 
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span. 
Dr.Kiran, a 47-year-old entrepreneur from the southern Indian city of Bengaluru (also known as Bangalore), is a regional icon in the direct sales industry and unsurprisingly accomplished his new rank within his first cycle with the company.
With over two decades of invaluable experience in network marketing, the Asian leader has done it all—he’s achieved the highest ranking position in previous engagements, he’s been internationally recognized with multiple prestigious accolades, and during his current span in the industry has impressively manufactured a team of more than one million people from over 30 countries.

Still, he believes he’s just getting started. Hungry to collaborate with only the most premier and enterprising companies, Dr.Kiran is grateful for this once-in-a-lifetime ByDzyne opportunity to bring innovation, potential, and limitless possibilities to the people of India and beyond. 
“As a professional network marketing leader from India, it’s amazing to see that in just four years of its existence, ByDzyne has become one


ByDzyne’s Germán Yumar from Venezuela Achieves 1-Star President

Inspiring leaders at ByDzyne are continuing to emerge from all regions of South America, and the momentous company has its latest trailblazer on hand with the arrival of new 1-Star President Germán Yumar from Venezuela.
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span. 
Germán, a 45-year-old entrepreneur from the capital and largest city of Venezuela, Caracas, has over two decades of experience in the national and international banking sector, including 15 years serving a private banking group in Miami, Florida, USA.
Although he had no prior experience in multi-level marketing, the Venezuelan leader was enamored by its opportunity and potential for growth and knew it was the right fit for him. Not even three years later, he still is certain he’s right where he needs to be.  
“Without hesitation, I chose ByDzyne because it is the first company to offer a hybrid e-commerce model in the network marketing industry.
The company also clearly delivers a great and unique marketplace of both physical products and digital services, and therefore, the decision to enter the direct sales business after 20 years of working in the traditional model became quite easy.
And knowing that great things can be achieved, including in my


Germán Yumar, de Venezuela, Presidente 1- Estrella de ByDzyne

Siguen surgiendo líderes inspiradores en ByDzyne de todas las regiones de Sudamérica, y la trascendental empresa tiene a su último pionero con la llegada del nuevo Presidente 1-Estrella Germán Yumar de Venezuela.
* Un Presidente genera más de 200.000 dólares en facturación durante un periodo de medio mes. 
Germán, un empresario de 45 años de la capital y ciudad más grande de Venezuela, Caracas, cuenta con más de dos décadas de experiencia en el sector bancario nacional e internacional, incluidos 15 años al servicio de un grupo bancario privado en Miami, Florida (EE.UU.).
Aunque no tenía experiencia previa en redes de mercadeo, el líder venezolano quedó prendado de su oportunidad y potencial de crecimiento y supo que era lo que buscaba. Ni siquiera tres años después, sigue estando seguro de que está justo donde tiene que estar.  
“Sin dudarlo, elegí ByDzyne porque es la primera empresa que ofrece un modelo híbrido de comercio electrónico en el sector de redes de mercadeo.
La empresa también ofrece claramente un gran y único mercado tanto de productos físicos como de servicios digitales, y por lo tanto, la decisión de entrar en el negocio de la venta directa después de 20 años trabajando en el modelo tradicional


ByDzyne’s Luis Hernandez from Honduras Achieves 1-Star President

Honduras is also making its mark in ByDzyne’s global expansion efforts, and now showcases new 1-Star President Luis Hernandez as part of its promising leadership lineup. 
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span. 
Luis, a 27-year-old entrepreneur originally from Honduras but who now resides in West Palm Beach, Florida, USA, is a classic tale of the luxurious opportunity of network marketing.
While he recently worked a conventional job for a local refurbishing company, he was then fortunately introduced to ByDzyne and the direct sales industry. Life, as expected, has now changed for Luis and his appreciation for ByDzyne and its executive team is sweet and simple. 
“Thank you for creating a very diverse opportunity with multiple trends where people feel identity and potential,”
disclosed Luis. 
ByDzyne’s executive team is encouraged by their new 1-Star President’s story and firmly believes that it’s testimonies like his that inspire hope and action. 
“Congratulations to Luis Hernandez on becoming our newest 1-Star President from Honduras and USA!
We love your story that you were working a traditional job and then were introduced to this business, went after your dreams, and continued to believe in yourself.
Keep believing and don’t give up! We hope and


Luis Hernández de ByDzyne, Honduras, alcanza la categoría de Presidente 1-Estrella

Honduras también está dejando su huella en los esfuerzos de expansión global de ByDzyne, y ahora presenta al nuevo Presidente 1-Estrella, Luis Hernández, como parte de su prometedora línea de liderazgo. 
* Un Presidente genera más de 200.000 dólares en facturación durante un periodo de medio mes. 
Luis, un emprendedor de 27 años originario de Honduras pero que ahora reside en West Palm Beach, Florida, Estados Unidos, es una historia clásica de la lujosa oportunidad de las redes de mercadeo.
Aunque hace poco trabajaba en un empleo convencional para una empresa local de reformas, afortunadamente conoció ByDzyne y el sector de la venta directa. La vida, como era de esperar, ha cambiado para Luis y su agradecimiento a ByDzyne y a su equipo ejecutivo es muy grande.
“Gracias por crear una oportunidad muy diversa con múltiples tendencias en la que la gente siente identidad y potencial”,
reveló Luis. 
El equipo ejecutivo de ByDzyne se siente alentado por la historia de su nuevo Presidente 1-Estrella y cree firmemente que son testimonios como el suyo los que inspiran esperanza y acción. 
“Enhorabuena a Luis Hernández por convertirse en nuestro nuevo Presidente 1-Estrella de Honduras y Estados Unidos.
Nos encanta tu historia, que estabas trabajando en un empleo


ByDzyne’s Sandy Zhuma from Ecuador Achieves 1-Star President

Continuing to deliver some of the region’s most exciting young stars, ByDzyne has yet another brilliant entrepreneur on the rise in South America with the arrival of new Ecuadorian 1-Star President Sandy Zhuma.
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span. 
Sandy, a 29-year-old businesswoman from the southern cultural city of Loja, Ecuador, is an Air Force veteran with over eight years of experience in her national military.
While network marketing wasn’t quite on her radar during her service, Sandy was introduced to the industry almost three years ago by her sister, fellow 1-Star President Jily Zhuma, and her life has never been the same.
Now with her dedication solely to succeeding at ByDzyne, a company that she believes has the vision and leadership that makes all the difference, she’s simply grateful for the opportunity.   
“The experience and all the achievements of the founders of ByDzyne are indisputable. It is impossible to fail if you are with the best in the industry.
Therefore, I have all the gratitude and admiration towards each one of them, for their mentoring and the encouraging words that come from their souls.
I am glad to belong to this company and have the guidance