Tag Archive for ByDzyne

ByDzyne’s Jefferson Ocaña from Ecuador Achieves 2-Star President Rank

Quickly establishing itself as the frontrunner for leader development and multiplication in Latin America, ByDzyne is at it again with the arrival and unveiling of Jefferson Ocaña, the company’s newest 2-Star President from Ecuador. 
*A 2-Star President generates over $400,000 USD of sales revenue in two weeks or less. 
Although the young entrepreneur from Quito, Ecuador, is only 28-years-old, he already has seven invaluable years in the industry under his belt and is considered a rising star in the region.
Motivated from a young age to build a better future for his family, for all those on his team, and ultimately have a successful career in network marketing, Jefferson knew he hit the jackpot when he was first introduced to ByDzyne.
“ByDzyne is a different company because it has a variety of services that allows us to reach different markets and different profiles. With that amazing range, we can build a business anywhere in the world.
In addition, the company’s innovation of services virtually guarantees our distributors that we will always have the best opportunity at our fingertips.
For that reason, I would like to share gratitude to the company and our corporate team that has supported and helped us at all times


El ecuatoriano Jefferson Ocaña, de ByDzyne, alcanza el rango de presidente de 2 estrellas

Estableciéndose rápidamente como el líder en el desarrollo y multiplicación de líderes en América Latina, ByDzyne lo hace de nuevo con la llegada y presentación de Jefferson Ocaña, el más reciente Presidente 2 Estrellas de la compañía de Ecuador.
*Un Presidente 2 Estrellas genera más de $400,000 USD de ingresos por vent en dos semanas o menos.
Aunque el joven empresario de Quito, Ecuador, sólo tiene 28 años, ya cuenta con siete valiosos años en la industria y se le considera una estrella en ascenso en la región.
Motivado desde muy joven para construir un futuro mejor para su familia, para todos los que forman parte de su equipo y, en última instancia, para tener una carrera de éxito en el marketing de redes, Jefferson supo que le tocó el premio gordo cuando conoció ByDzyne.
“ByDzyne es una empresa diferente porque tiene una variedad de servicios que nos permite llegar a diferentes mercados y diferentes perfiles.
Con esa increíble gama, podemos crear un negocio en cualquier parte del mundo. Además, la innovación de servicios de la empresa prácticamente garantiza a nuestros distribuidores que siempre tendremos la mejor oportunidad a nuestro alcance.
Por ello, me gustaría compartir el agradecimiento a la empresa y a


ByDzyne’s Daniel Chagüi from Costa Rica is Company’s Newest 1-Star President

ByDzyne is dominating the network marketing headlines in Latin America yet again, this time with the unveiling of its latest 1-Star President, Daniel Chagüi from Costa Rica. 
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span. 
Chagüi, a 42-year-old retired medical physician from San Jose, Costa Rica, carries with him over 15 years of experience in the industry and has impressively built teams all over the world including in the United States, Europe, and Central and South America. 
Extremely motivated to pursue his and his family’s dreams of helping thousands of people achieve financial independence and purpose in life, coupled with desiring to become the best version of himself on a daily basis, the Latin American leader found ByDzyne and recognized it was the perfect vehicle to meet those aspirations.   
“The digital trend is rising by the day. ByDzyne offers a fresh and striking message, where any Brand Ambassador can have the possibility to leverage and monetize from the best and hottest business trends.
I am confident that the ByDzyne opportunity has the adaptability to stay relevant and become a billion-dollar brand in the future.
From its core, I am amazed by the founders, who are a true reflection that anything


Daniel Chagüi, de Costa Rica, es el nuevo presidente de 1 estrella de ByDzyne

ByDzyne vuelve a dominar los titulares de las redes de mercadeo en América Latina, esta vez con la presentación de su más reciente Presidente de 1 Estrella, Daniel Chagüi de Costa Rica. 
* Un Presidente genera más de 200.000 dólares en facturación por ventas durante un periodo de medio mes. 
Chagüi, un médico jubilado de 42 años de San José, Costa Rica, lleva más de 15 años de experiencia en el sector y ha creado equipos de manera impresionante en todo el mundo, incluyendo Estados Unidos, Europa y América Central y del Sur. 
Extremadamente motivado para perseguir su sueño y el de su familia de ayudar a miles de personas a alcanzar la independencia financiera y el propósito en la vida, junto con el deseo de convertirse en la mejor versión de sí mismo a diario, el líder latinoamericano encontró ByDzyne y reconoció que era el vehículo perfecto para satisfacer esas aspiraciones.   
“La tendencia digital aumenta cada día. ByDzyne ofrece un mensaje fresco y llamativo, en el que cualquier embajador de marca puede tener la posibilidad de aprovechar y monetizar las mejores y más novedosas tendencias comerciales.
Estoy seguro de que la oportunidad de ByDzyne tiene la capacidad de adaptarse para seguir siendo relevante


ByDzyne’s Mauricio Muñoz and Liliana Mesa from Colombia Achieve 1-Star President

ByDzyne is including yet another team on its illustrious list of Latin American power couples, with the arrival of new 1-Star Presidents Mauricio Muñoz and Liliana Mesa from Colombia. 
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span. 
Although Mauricio and Liliana’s story includes profitable seasons in the engineering and economics world, the couple from Medellín, Colombia, always dreamt of ‘something more.’
They longed to be masters of their time, to be parents that were present, and to have true financial peace of mind, granting them the opportunity to fulfill not only their dreams but guarantee a wonderful future for their children.
They found that ‘something more’ in network marketing years ago, and now not only boasts over a decade of invaluable experience in the industry but the couple is currently renowned locally for their mentorship, consultation, and heartfelt desire to help others.
While the pandemic derailed a few of their plans, the couple knew that the right opportunity would come along again. Then, they received a phone call that changed everything. 
“We received a ring from our relatives, Paola Torres and Salvatore Conforti, and it was the opportunity we had been praying for; we did not hesitate to listen to


Mauricio Muñoz y Liliana Mesa de ByDzyne, de Colombia, alcanzan el rango de Presidentes 1- Estrella

ByDzyne incluye otro equipo en su ilustre lista de parejas de poder latino americanas, con lallegada de los nuevos Presidentes 1-Estrella Mauricio Muñoz & Liliana Mesa de Colombia.
* Un Presidente genera más de 200.000 dólares por facturación de ventas durante medio mes.
Aunque la historia de Mauricio y Liliana incluye temporadas rentables en el mundo de la ingeniería y la economía, la pareja de Medellín, Colombia, siempre soñó con “algo más”.
Anhelaban ser dueños de su tiempo, ser padres presentes y tener una verdadera tranquilidad económica que les permitiera no sólo cumplir sus sueños sino garantizar un futuro maravilloso para sus hijos.
Encontraron ese “algo más” en las Redes de Mercadeo hace años, y ahora no sólo cuentan con más de una década de experiencia inestimable en el sector, sino que la pareja es actualmente famosa a nivel local por su labor de mentores, sus consultas y su sincero deseo de ayudar a los demás.
Aunque la pandemia desbarató algunos de sus planes, la pareja sabía que volvería a surgir la oportunidad adecuada. Entonces, recibieron una llamada telefónica que lo cambió todo.
“Recibimos una llamada de nuestros familiares, Paola Torres y Salvatore Conforti, y era la oportunidad por la que habíamos estado rezando; no dudamos


ByDzyne’s Michael An From The USA Achieves 2-Star President Rank

While ByDzyne has recently unveiled some of the industry’s most profound leaders on the global front, the company’s stature in the United States remains formidable, as highlighted by this month’s emergence of new 2-Star President Michael An from Los Angeles, California.
*A 2 Star President generates over $400,000 USD of sales revenue in two weeks or less.
An, a 37-year-old leader with almost two decades of network marketing experience, just recently joined the ByDzyne movement, but immediately knew he was in the perfect environment to succeed.
“I chose this company because of the cofounder’s vision and the experience they have. Having a chance to pioneer the U.S. market and all of Asia with this leadership team is an entrepreneur’s dream come true.
I would like to thank all of our executive team for creating the greatest opportunity with the best compensation plan,”
shared An.
Those great opportunities at ByDzyne are truly endless. The young company has found itself firmly planted in some of the world’s most lucrative trends, from health and wellness, to travel, and to the boundless and innovative digital sector, including the organization’s 2022 fresh launch of the virtual reality opportunity of MetaVerse.

Chad and Nattida Chong, the company’s cofounders, were delighted when


ByDzyne’s Sebastián González Is The First 1-Star President From Chile

While ByDzyne has recently showcased some of the industry’s most promising up-and-coming leaders from South American countries Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru, the company is welcoming Sebastián González as its newest and first 1-Star President from Chile.
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span. 
When the 33-year-old from Santiago, Chile, joined ByDzyne not even 10 months ago, he had zero experience in network marketing. While he effectively served as a lawyer, real estate agent, and owner of several local coffee shops, Sebastián always felt there was a greater opportunity outside of the traditional business career.
He was right. He found ByDzyne, and his life, he says, has changed forever.
“I am a living testimony that someone that comes from a traditional business background, can open his mind and develop and thrive in a different industry.
Not only that, but to do it at such a level that achieves even greater results than expected, in record time, and leaving a positive mark on all those that have been involved, I am so grateful.
I express my deepest gratitude to my entire line of sponsorship, and to all the people who have given me their unconditional and constant support,”
expressed Sebastián.
While ByDzyne’s


Sebastián González, De ByDzyne, Es El Primer Presidente 1-Estrella De Chile

Si bien ByDzyne ha presentado recientemente a algunos de los líderes más prometedores de la industria procedentes de países sudamericanos como Ecuador, Colombia y Perú, la empresa da la bienvenida a Sebastián González como su más reciente y primer Presidente 1-Estrella de Chile.
* Un Presidente genera más de 200.000 dólares en facturación por ventas durante un periodo de medio mes.
Cuando este joven de 33 años de Santiago de Chile se unió a ByDzyne hace menos de 10 meses, no tenía ninguna experiencia en las redes de mercadeo. Si bien se desempeñó efectivamente como abogado, agente inmobiliario y dueño de varias cafeterías locales, Sebastián siempre sintió que había una mayor oportunidad fuera de la carrera comercial tradicional.
Y tenía razón. Encontró ByDzyne, y su vida, dice, ha cambiado para siempre.
“Soy un testimonio vivo de que alguien que viene de un entorno empresarial tradicional puede abrir su mente y desarrollarse y prosperar en una industria diferente.
Y no sólo eso, sino hacerlo a un nivel tal que logra resultados aún mayores de lo esperado, en un tiempo récord, y dejando una huella positiva en todos los que han participado, estoy muy agradecido.
Expreso mi más profundo agradecimiento a toda mi línea de patrocinio,


ByDzyne’s Marcell Rodriguez from Ecuador Achieves Crown Rank

At the tail end of an extended evening of leadership training, strategizing, and vision casting, ByDzyne’s Marcell Rodriguez, who had just secured his status as the company’s latest rising phenom by becoming a 3-Star President, felt in his spirit to aim higher.
He just knew he could achieve more, manufacture even more time and financial freedom for those under his watch, and cement his legacy in the industry for generations to come. 
So, on that memorable November 10th night of last year, the Ecuadorian leader drafted and signed a personal written agreement on a big sheet of white construction paper, confidently declaring that come March of 2022, he would achieve the elusive Crown rank. 
With Chad and Nattida Chong, ByDzyne’s cofounders, as his witness, he proclaimed his intention and his destiny. And now, not even five months later Marcell Rodriguez has lived up to his word and has become ByDzyne’s newest Crown. 
* A Crown generates between $1-2 million in sales revenue during a two-week span. 
“Reaching this historic milestone means I have played a part in helping thousands of people around the world earn amounts of money they would have never imagined earning! It has meant elimination of debt and an improvement in