Tag Archive for ByDzyne

ByDzyne’s Juan Pablo Velasquez from Colombia Achieves 2-Star President

Another breakout star has emerged from Latin America, with the arrival of ByDzyne’s newest 2-Star President from Colombia, Juan Pablo Velasquez.
*A 2-Star President generates over $400,000 USD of sales revenue in two weeks or less. 
Juan Pablo, a 25-year-old leader on the rise that has remarkably only been in the industry for the past four years, knew it felt right when he was first introduced to ByDzyne 18 months ago.
He remembers not hesitating for even a single second, for he knew it was and still is the very best opportunity out there.   
“I decided to start in ByDzyne because it is a company ‘dzyned’ for all types of people, from youth to old.
This opportunity provides excellent products and services and allows us to anticipate different trends that are on the rise in the world. For this reason, I am very grateful to the ByDzyne executive team.
They are people who are always willing to innovate and improve, and create the right environment for the company and its people to be able to grow faster, bigger, and more sustainably,”
shared Juan Pablo.  
Motivated to earnestly inspire his family, including his mother, father, and brothers, as well as his ByDzyne team, Juan Pablo


El colombiano Juan Pablo Velásquez, de ByDzyne, logra ser presidente 2-estrella

Otra estrella emergente ha surgido de América Latina, con la llegada del nuevo Presidente 2-Estrella de ByDzyne de Colombia, Juan Pablo Velásquez.
*Un Presidente 2 Estrellas genera más de $400,000 USD de ingresos por vent en dos semanas o menos.
Juan Pablo, un líder en ascenso de 25 años que, sorprendentemente, sólo lleva cuatro años en el sector, supo que era lo correcto cuando le presentaron ByDzyne por primera vez hace 18 meses.
Recuerda que no dudó ni un segundo, porque sabía que era y sigue siendo la mejor oportunidad que existe.   
“Decidí empezar en ByDzyne porque es una empresa “diseñada” para todo tipo de personas, desde jóvenes hasta mayores.
Esta oportunidad ofrece excelentes productos y servicios y nos permite anticiparnos a las diferentes tendencias que están en alza en el mundo. Por este motivo, estoy muy agradecido al equipo ejecutivo de ByDzyne.
Son personas que siempre están dispuestas a innovar y mejorar, y a crear el entorno adecuado para que la empresa y su gente puedan crecer más rápido, más grande y más eficiente”,
compartió Juan Pablo.  
Motivado por inspirar seriamente a su familia, incluidos su madre, su padre y sus hermanos, así como a su equipo de ByDzyne, Juan Pablo ha trabajado


ByDzyne Launches in South Korea with Revolutionary Slimming Coffee Product

Making tremendous headway on its quest to expand its reaches to the far corners of the globe, ByDzyne will officially begin expansion operations and offer its one-of-a-kind opportunity to the people of Korea next week on July 15th, 2022. 
The eastern Asian nation, renowned globally for its influential pop culture, mouthwatering cuisine, and friendly communities, will now showcase one of the industry’s most innovative and lucrative movements and ByDzyne’s executive team could not be more elated.  
“We are so excited to officially open up South Korea on July 15th! This is a dream come true, and we cannot wait to bring the vision, opportunity, and dream-casting to the wonderful Korean people.
Our team especially gives thanks to our GM and dear friend of over 15 years, Mr. Richard Park, for without him, this incredible announcement and launch would not be possible,”
exclaimed Nat and Chanida Puranaputra, chairmen of ByDzyne. 
Sung-Kon “Richard” Park, a savvy businessman with over 25 invaluable years in the industry, will be determined to put his marketing, financial, and strategic expertise to work right away.
Although ByDzyne’s new General Manager has worked for some of the most well-known network marketing companies in the industry, his new project with ByDzyne may


ByDzyne’s María Alejandra From Colombia Achieves 1-Star President

Producing breakout stars is becoming synonymous with the Latin American region, as ByDzyne is welcoming yet another 1-Star President to its leadership hub in Colombian entrepreneur María Alejandra.
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span. 
María, a 31-year-old businesswoman with extensive experience as a lawyer in commercial law, once competed amongst thousands for an invaluable position with the Colombian government and ultimately secured a job.
While her career was theoretically set from that point on, the idea of being a slave to the clock and having limited vacation time simply terrified her.
She knew she needed a new game plan. She knew there was something better out there. She knew her life could be different. And then, one fortunate day, it just was.   
“My life has been completely transformed since I started in ByDzyne. It’s been a new level of learning, a change of mentality, real guidance from mentors, and I have met wonderful people every day.
I feel very honored and grateful for everything this company has contributed to my personal, family, and financial growth,”
expressed a thankful María.
While she came aboard without any network marketing experience, the new 1-Star President has seen firsthand the potential of that


ByDzyne Launches ByDzyne Cares, Highly-Anticipated Charitable Initiative

For an organization whose DNA is saturated in innovation, impact, and ingenuity, ByDzyne added arguably its most impactful project at the company’s first-ever convention in Ecuador last week, with the unveiling of ByDzyne Cares, a charitable program with the simple aim to give back and make a difference.
That difference, for ByDzyne’s executive team, is in the simple hope and power of changing a life. 
“When ByDzyne was first launched in 2019, our heartbeat has always been about giving back.
We believe that no individual should be held back by a lack of means and with the launch of ByDzyne Cares, we hope that people all around the world will have a chance to change their story,”
expressed Nattarin and Chanida Puranaputra, ByDzyne’s Chairman and Chairwoman.   
While the program intends to continually collaborate with new initiatives and causes from around the world, ByDzyne Cares has initially partnered with the Reina de Quito foundation in Ecuador, a non-profit organization started by former Queens of Quito (pageant winners) that has served the underprivileged in the Metropolitan District of Quito. 
The foundation currently runs numerous social assistance programs for people with disabilities, children, youth, women, and unprotected older adults, including the management of their Therapeutic Center, a


ByDzyne lanza ByDzyne Cares, una iniciativa benéfica muy esperada

Para una organización cuyo ADN está saturado de innovación, impacto e ingenio, ByDzyne añadió posiblemente su proyecto más impactante en la primera convención de la compañía en Ecuador la semana pasada, con la presentación de ByDzyne Cares, un programa benéfico con el simple objetivo de devolver y marcar la diferencia.
Esa diferencia, para el equipo ejecutivo de ByDzyne, está en la simple esperanza y el poder de cambiar una vida.
“Cuando ByDzyne se lanzó por primera vez en 2019, nuestro latido siempre ha sido el de devolver.
Creemos que ningún individuo debería verse frenado por la falta de medios y, con el lanzamiento de ByDzyne Cares, esperamos que personas de todo el mundo tengan la oportunidad de cambiar su historia”,
expresaron Nattarin y Chanida Puranaputra, presidente y presidenta de ByDzyne.
Aunque el programa tiene la intención de colaborar continuamente con nuevas iniciativas y causas de todo el mundo, ByDzyne Cares se ha asociado inicialmente con la fundación Reina de Quito en Ecuador, una organización sin ánimo de lucro creada por antiguas Reinas de Quito (ganadoras de concursos) que ha prestado servicios a los más desfavorecidos en el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito.
En la actualidad, la fundación lleva a cabo numerosos programas de asistencia social


ByDzyne’s Fernando Garcia and Tatiana Ruiz from USA Achieve 1-Star President Ranking

The latest stars to join ByDzyne’s boundless list of emerging leaders are Fernando Garcia and Tatiana Ruiz, as the couple from the USA recently accomplished the 1-Star President rank.
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span. 
Fernando and Tatiana, originally from Spain and Colombia, but currently reside in the rocky mountains of Colorado, USA, have been entrepreneurs in the traditional market for almost two decades.
It was not until five years ago, that they were first introduced to network marketing and the unlimited potential the industry provided then and strongly believe to this day. 
Currently, as fresh and compelling leaders with ByDzyne, they’ve impressively built a team that spans over 10 countries, at a company they believe is set apart from the rest.  
 “It was like love at first sight; ByDzyne’s corporate vision is incredible. The variety in terms of trends in our company means that we are always in momentum and growth.
I think that ByDzyne marks a milestone in the industry because this corporation actively listens to networkers, its compensation plan is fair and sustained over time, and the corporate team is always looking for innovation.
We are so grateful for them because they are creating a


Fernando García y Tatiana Ruiz, de ByDzyne, logran la clasificación de presidente 1 estrella

Las últimas estrellas que se han unido a la ilimitada lista de líderes emergentes de ByDzyne son Fernando García y Tatiana Ruiz, ya que la pareja de Estados Unidos ha alcanzado recientemente el rango de Presidente  1 estrella.
* Un Presidente genera más de 200.000 dólares en facturación durante un periodo de 15 días.
Fernando y Tatiana, originarios de España y Colombia, pero que actualmente residen en las rocosas montañas de Colorado (EE.UU.), son empresarios del mercado tradicional desde hace casi dos décadas.
No fue hasta hace cinco años, que se introdujeron por primera vez en el network marketing y el potencial ilimitado que la industria proporcionó entonces y creen firmemente hasta el día de hoy.
Actualmente, como líderes frescos y convincentes con ByDzyne, han construido de manera impresionante un equipo que se extiende por más de 10 países, en una empresa que creen que se distingue del resto.
“Fue como un amor a primera vista; la visión corporativa de ByDzyne es increíble. La variedad en cuanto a tendencias de nuestra empresa hace que siempre estemos en crecimiento.
Creo que ByDzyne marca un hito en el sector porque esta corporación escucha activamente a los networkers, su plan de compensación es justo y se mantiene en


ByDzyne’s Marc Isaac from USA Achieves 1-Star President Rank

Regardless of continent, ByDzyne is continuing to uncover some of the brightest young stars in the industry, this month showcasing its newest 1-Star President from the USA, Marc Isaac. 
* A President generates over $200,000 in sales revenue during a half-a-month span. 
Isaac, who currently resides in Houston, Texas, has been learning the ins and outs of network marketing for the past 12 years.
Motivated to build a better life and culture for the people in the Philippines, his country of birth, the new 1-Star President has been yearning for a long-lasting opportunity to truly change the lives of the local people there.
After more than a decade in the industry, he is certain that ByDzyne gives him just that. 
“ByDzyne is the first company of its kind; it takes advantage of the biggest trends that are currently relevant and ‘hot.’ It also allows everyone to expand internationally because of the digital products, as well as the ability to travel and create memories that’ll last a lifetime.
In addition, I’m very fortunate to work with the BD executive team because they truly understand what it’s like to be in the field and can relate because they were in our shoes once and also were


Marc Isaac, de ByDzyne, alcanza el rango de presidente de 1 estrella

Sin importar el continente, ByDzyne sigue descubriendo algunas de las estrellas jóvenes más brillantes de la industria, y este mes presenta a su más reciente Presidente 1 estrella de los Estados Unidos, Marc Isaac.
* Un Presidente genera más de 200.000 dólares en facturación durante un periodo de 15 días.
Isaac, que actualmente reside en Houston, Texas, ha estado aprendiendo los detalles del marketing de redes durante los últimos 12 años.
Motivado por construir una vida y una cultura mejores para la gente de Filipinas, su país de nacimiento, el nuevo presidente de 1 estrella ha estado anhelando una oportunidad duradera para cambiar realmente la vida de la gente local de allí.
Tras más de una década en el sector, está seguro de que ByDzyne le ofrece precisamente eso.
“ByDzyne es la primera empresa de este tipo; aprovecha las mayores tendencias que son actualmente relevantes y novedosas.
También permite la expansión internacional gracias a los productos digitales, así como la posibilidad de viajar y crear recuerdos que durarán toda la vida.
Además, me siento muy afortunado de trabajar con el equipo ejecutivo de BD porque realmente entienden lo que es estar en el campo y pueden relacionarse porque estuvieron en nuestros zapatos una