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A Whole Family Earns Millions In Network Marketing

The Burnett family has truly found a home in network marketing, the parents, 3 sons and wives and even 2 of the grandsons.
Jared and Heather Burnett are the number 1 income earners in their company they have been with for 9 years.
Jared and Heather earned $200,000 their first year and now earn about $40,000 a week and their company has paid them over $14 million in total.
They were introduced to network marketing 19 years ago when they were in college, new parents, broke and working several jobs. Jared’s mom and dad, also some of the top income earners, JR & Vickie, were his first distributors.
Vickie was a burned out elementary special education teacher and JR was a high school basketball coach and teacher. None had experience in building a business.
Tenacity and pure grit and driving to every event was what they all attribute their continued success. They all started this journey in rural Eastern New Mexico. Many nights a leader in the company would be speaking or doing an opportunity meeting hours away and they would drive to hear and participate.
Then the Burnetts drove home, got home at all hours of the night and got up and went to work