Tag Archive for Brig Hart New Company

Brig Hart Goes Public As An Owner Of The Healthy Home Company

Brig Hart unveiled today that he is an owner of the Healthy Home Company. The Healthy Home Company launched in January 2014 with twelve products and after several acquisitions and joint ventures now has over 100 products made from organic, ToxicFree®, EcoCert and all-natural ingredients.
Brig and several partners are focused on pioneering a new space they call Direct Retailing, combining the best practices from one-to-one marketing with a membership buying club to offer premium quality products at retail competitive prices.  This direct retailing approach has proven successful, as the company has broken two Diamond Executive ranked members in its first six months and brought over 20 couples to Belize in July, its first Gold incentive trip.  Several dozen members have already achieved ranks from Bronze level through Ruby. 
The Healthy Home model uses word of mouth advertising to compete directly with large organic grocery stores, vitamin shops, all-natural products companies and specialty online businesses. Healthy Home pays active members a 10% commission for referring others to join the club based on everything they purchase, and uniquely for as long as they purchase products.
Members who wish to upgrade their membership and become certified Healthy Home Professional Representatives can earn a