Tag Archive for Autism

Employing people with autism: What to be aware of

Did you know that 700 000 people in the UK are autistic? And according to statistics from the National Autistic Society, only 16 per cent of autistic adults are in full-time paid employment? Here, Rebecca James, head of academy living at Orbis Education and Care, gives small business owners some insights into how employing someone
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How Multilevel Marketing Companies Got The Autism Community Hooked On Essential Oils

Mother Jones is a reader-supported nonprofit news organization and the winner of the American Society of Magazine Editors’ 2017 Magazine of the Year Award.
A few extracts from there controversial article:
“Over the past five years or so, with a big assist from DoTerra and its main competitor, an MLM company called Young Living, essential oils have taken off in the autism community.
Some parents I talked to told me they spend more than $200 a month on DoTerra products.”
On Facebook, there are dozens of essential oil groups for parents of kids on the spectrum—the group Autism, ADHD, and Essential Oils, for example, has more than 19,000 members.
Dawna Toews, an Ontario-based DoTerra saleswoman, told me she holds sales events all over the United States and Canada, where she teaches the families of children with autism how to use oils as a complementary therapy to help with some of the symptoms. “When you get an autism diagnosis for your child, you feel incredibly helpless, and you just want to be able to do something,” Toews told me.
While she emphasizes that she never implies that her products can cure or treat autism, “Essential oils make parents feel empowered,” she says. It’s also a smart